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Browse data catalogs registry
ID | Name | Is indexed | # datasets | Catalog type | Owner type | Owner country | Software |
cdi00005044 |
LiDAR Portal for Archiving and Distribution | Yes | 3,299 | Geoportal | Academy | Phillipines | GeoNode |
cdi00001277 |
Regional Geographic Information Network Geoportal | Yes | 13 | Geoportal | Central government | Phillipines | GeoNode |
cdi00004737 |
Philippine Space Agency space data | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Phillipines | Terria |
cdi00004683 |
Carmona GIS | Yes | 137 | Geoportal | Local government | Phillipines | GeoNode |
cdi00001278 |
OpenStat PSA Statistical Databases | Yes | 2,320 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Phillipines | PxWeb |
cdi00001279 |
PSADA Microdata Catalog | No | 0 | Microdata catalog | Central government | Phillipines | NADA |
cdi00005064 |
DIP Lab | Yes | 682 | Open data portal | Academy | Phillipines | CKAN |
cdi00001280 |
Open Data Philippines | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Phillipines | Custom software |
cdi00001281 |
State bank of Pakistan data portal | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Pakistan | Custom software |
cdi00001282 |
Open Data Pakistan | Yes | 1,092 | Open data portal | Academy | Pakistan | CKAN |
cdi00004835 |
Minerals development department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ArcGIS Server | Yes | 177 | Geoportal | Regional government | Pakistan | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00001283 |
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Open Data Portal! | Yes | 6,085 | Open data portal | Regional government | Pakistan | CKAN |
cdi00002091 |
Data Atlas Fontium | Yes | 632 | Geoportal | Academy | Poland | GeoNode |
cdi00002092 |
PIG-PIB Katalog metadanych | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002093 |
Katalog metadanych GIAP Sp. z o.o. | Yes | 4,536 | Geoportal | Business | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00001284 |
Instytut Nauk o Morzu i Środowisku, Uniwersytet Szczeciński data catalogue | No | 0 | Geoportal | Academy | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00004811 |
Statistics Poland Geonetwork | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002095 |
Usługa Wyszukiwania INSPIRE - IMGW-PIB | Yes | 30 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002096 |
GIOŚ - Usługa Wyszukiwania INSPIRE | Yes | 190 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002097 |
Katalog metadanych GISON | Yes | 2,538 | Geoportal | Business | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002098 |
Katalog Matadanych J.O.C. GIS | No | 0 | Geoportal | Business | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00004982 |
Polish Geological Institute National Research Institute geonetwork | Yes | 10,174 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00001285 |
Geo-System metadata catalogue (Poland) | Yes | 23,042 | Geoportal | Business | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002100 |
Katalog metadanych SIPAM | Yes | 74 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002102 |
Voxly geodata catalog | Yes | 426 | Geoportal | Business | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00005107 |
Poland - WIS 2.0 in a box | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Wis 2.0 Box |
cdi00001286 |
Usługa Wyszukiwania INSPIRE - PGWWP | Yes | 82 | Geoportal | Central government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00004812 |
Poland Local Data Bank | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004813 |
Poland Macroeconomic Data Bank | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004814 |
Poland Statistics for the SDGs global indicators | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004815 |
STATREG (Poland) | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004816 |
Transtat Experimental statistics of maritime and road transport (Poland) | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004817 |
Master Telecom citydata project | Yes | 5 | Open data portal | Business | Poland | CKAN |
cdi00001287 | | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004269 |
IG PAS Data Portal | Yes | 76 | Open data portal | Academy | Poland | CKAN |
cdi00001288 |
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego Open Data | Yes | 52 | Open data portal | Central government | Poland | DKAN |
cdi00001289 |
Open Forest Data | Yes | 79,768 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Poland | Dataverse |
cdi00001290 |
MX-RDR Macromolecular Xtallography | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Poland | Dataverse |
cdi00001291 |
RDS Social data repository | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Poland | Dataverse |
cdi00001292 |
RepOD Repository of open data | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Poland | Dataverse |
cdi00004565 |
Research Object Hub | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004818 |
Wrocław Spatial Information System | No | 0 | Geoportal | Local government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004819 |
Otwartne Dane Wroclaw | Yes | 67 | Open data portal | Local government | Poland | CKAN |
cdi00002094 |
Katalog metadanych UM Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego | Yes | 350 | Geoportal | Local government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00002101 |
Spatial Information System Portal of the city of Poznań | Yes | 114 | Geoportal | Local government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00004820 |
Otwartne Dane Lodz | No | 0 | Datasets list | Local government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004821 |
Portal Otwarte Dane w Krakowie | No | 0 | Open data portal | Local government | Poland | Custom software |
cdi00004822 |
Mazowieckie Otwartne Dane | No | 0 | Open data portal | Regional government | Poland | DKAN |
cdi00004823 |
Otwary Gdansk | Yes | 71 | Open data portal | Business | Poland | CKAN |
cdi00004824 |
Otwarte Dane Gdynia | Yes | 262 | Open data portal | Local government | Poland | CKAN |
cdi00002099 |
Polish polar database | Yes | 150 | Geoportal | Academy | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00004166 |
Katalog metadanych - SIT Tychy | No | 0 | Geoportal | Local government | Poland | Geonetwork |
cdi00004825 |
Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia open data portal | Yes | 502 | Open data portal | Local government | Poland | CKAN |
cdi00005155 |
CMWU s ArcGIS Server | No | 0 | Geoportal | Local government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005156 |
Ministry of Public Works and Housing Mapping Portal | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005157 |
Palestine Environment Quality Authority ArcGIS | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005158 |
Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority - Mapping Portal | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005159 |
Palestinian National Security Forces ArcGIS Server | Yes | 105 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005160 |
Palestine Monetary Authority - Mapping Portal | Yes | 74 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005161 |
Palestine Customs Police - Maps | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00003871 |
PCBS-CoronaVirus-Response | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00003964 |
SDG Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (Arabic) | Yes | 56 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00003973 |
SDG Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Palestine | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00001293 |
Palestinian Microdata catalog | No | 0 | Microdata catalog | Central government | Palestine | NADA |
cdi00005162 |
Palestine Datasets | No | 0 | Open data portal | Civil society | Palestine | Custom software |
cdi00004270 |
Open Data in Palestine | Yes | 40 | Open data portal | Central government | Palestine | CKAN |
cdi00001295 |
travelBI Open Data | Yes | 36 | Geoportal | Central government | Portugal | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00001296 |
Geology and Geophysics Laboratory (SEISLAB) geodata portal | Yes | 794 | Geoportal | Academy | Portugal | GeoNode |
cdi00004281 |
pygeoapi eMOTIONAL Cities instance | No | 0 | Geoportal | Business | Portugal | Pygeoapi |
cdi00001298 |
CCDRC-IDECENTRO | Yes | 3,314 | Geoportal | Central government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001300 |
Catalogo Metadados CIM-TTM - Comunidade Intermunicipal das Terras de Trás-os-Montes | No | 0 | Geoportal | Academy | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001301 |
LSA SAF 2 Catalogue | Yes | 142 | Geoportal | Central government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001302 |
LSA SAF 1 Catalogue | Yes | 138 | Geoportal | Central government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001303 |
Instituto Geografico metadata catalog | Yes | 214 | Geoportal | Central government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00005065 |
OPENCoastS ncWMS Server | Yes | 1,848 | Geoportal | Academy | Portugal | ncWMS |
cdi00001306 |
Radar on Raia | Yes | 1,422 | Geoportal | Academy | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001310 |
ArcGIS server of the Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos | Yes | 1,934 | Geoportal | Central government | Portugal | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004436 |
BPStat | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Portugal | Custom software |
cdi00001312 |
SIMOcean Catalogue | Yes | 110,706 | Open data portal | Academy | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001314 |
MELOA (Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatus) | Yes | 271 | Open data portal | Academy | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001316 |
Open Data Portal of the National Desertification Observatory | Yes | 122 | Open data portal | Academy | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001317 | The central catalog of open data in Portugal | Yes | 2,000 | Open data portal | Central government | Portugal | uData |
cdi00001318 |
Dados na Justiça | Yes | 61 | Open data portal | Central government | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001322 |
INESC TEC research data repository | Yes | 148 | Open data portal | Academy | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001323 |
Rural Data (Portugal) | Yes | 56 | Open data portal | Academy | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00002257 |
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Research | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | Elsevier Pure |
cdi00001325 |
DADOS IPB | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | Dataverse |
cdi00001326 |
Repositório de Dados Científicos | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | DSpace |
cdi00001327 |
DataRepositoriUM | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | Dataverse |
cdi00001328 | | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | Dataverse |
cdi00001329 |
DUnAs | Yes | 21 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | Dataverse |
cdi00001330 |
Repositório Polen | Yes | 6 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Portugal | Dataverse |
cdi00002805 |
Campolide 2021 Challenge | Yes | 191 | Geoportal | Unknown | Mozambique | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00004167 | | Yes | 10,940 | Geoportal | Unknown | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00002806 |
SensingCampolide | Yes | 95 | Geoportal | Unknown | Mozambique | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00001299 |
CMA Geonetwork | No | 0 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001308 |
Metadados de Vale de Cambra - Câmara Municipal de Vale de Cambra | Yes | 56 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001313 |
Águeda Open Data Platform | Yes | 165 | Open data portal | Local government | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001311 |
Universidade de Coimbra geonetwork | Yes | 56 | Geoportal | Academy | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001319 |
Observatório Municipal de Ambiente e Território de Loulé | Yes | 546 | Open data portal | Local government | Portugal | DKAN |