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Browse data catalogs registry

ID Name Is indexed # datasets Catalog type Owner type Owner country Software
cdi00005044 LiDAR Portal for Archiving and Distribution Yes 3,299 Geoportal Academy Phillipines GeoNode
cdi00001277 Regional Geographic Information Network Geoportal Yes 13 Geoportal Central government Phillipines GeoNode
cdi00004737 Philippine Space Agency space data No 0 Geoportal Central government Phillipines Terria
cdi00004683 Carmona GIS Yes 137 Geoportal Local government Phillipines GeoNode
cdi00001278 OpenStat PSA Statistical Databases Yes 2,320 Indicators catalog Central government Phillipines PxWeb
cdi00001279 PSADA Microdata Catalog No 0 Microdata catalog Central government Phillipines NADA
cdi00005064 DIP Lab Yes 682 Open data portal Academy Phillipines CKAN
cdi00001280 Open Data Philippines No 0 Open data portal Central government Phillipines Custom software
cdi00001281 State bank of Pakistan data portal No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Pakistan Custom software
cdi00001282 Open Data Pakistan Yes 1,092 Open data portal Academy Pakistan CKAN
cdi00004835 Minerals development department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ArcGIS Server Yes 177 Geoportal Regional government Pakistan ArcGIS Server
cdi00001283 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Open Data Portal! Yes 6,085 Open data portal Regional government Pakistan CKAN
cdi00002091 Data Atlas Fontium Yes 632 Geoportal Academy Poland GeoNode
cdi00002092 PIG-PIB Katalog metadanych No 0 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002093 Katalog metadanych GIAP Sp. z o.o. Yes 4,536 Geoportal Business Poland Geonetwork
cdi00001284 Instytut Nauk o Morzu i Środowisku, Uniwersytet Szczeciński data catalogue No 0 Geoportal Academy Poland Geonetwork
cdi00004811 Statistics Poland Geonetwork No 0 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002095 Usługa Wyszukiwania INSPIRE - IMGW-PIB Yes 30 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002096 GIOŚ - Usługa Wyszukiwania INSPIRE Yes 190 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002097 Katalog metadanych GISON Yes 2,538 Geoportal Business Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002098 Katalog Matadanych J.O.C. GIS No 0 Geoportal Business Poland Geonetwork
cdi00004982 Polish Geological Institute National Research Institute geonetwork Yes 10,174 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00001285 Geo-System metadata catalogue (Poland) Yes 23,042 Geoportal Business Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002100 Katalog metadanych SIPAM Yes 74 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002102 Voxly geodata catalog Yes 426 Geoportal Business Poland Geonetwork
cdi00005107 Poland - WIS 2.0 in a box No 0 Geoportal Central government Poland Wis 2.0 Box
cdi00001286 Usługa Wyszukiwania INSPIRE - PGWWP Yes 82 Geoportal Central government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00004812 Poland Local Data Bank No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Poland Custom software
cdi00004813 Poland Macroeconomic Data Bank No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Poland Custom software
cdi00004814 Poland Statistics for the SDGs global indicators No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Poland Custom software
cdi00004815 STATREG (Poland) No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Poland Custom software
cdi00004816 Transtat Experimental statistics of maritime and road transport (Poland) No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Poland Custom software
cdi00004817 Master Telecom citydata project Yes 5 Open data portal Business Poland CKAN
cdi00001287 No 0 Open data portal Central government Poland Custom software
cdi00004269 IG PAS Data Portal Yes 76 Open data portal Academy Poland CKAN
cdi00001288 Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego Open Data Yes 52 Open data portal Central government Poland DKAN
cdi00001289 Open Forest Data Yes 79,768 Scientific data repository Academy Poland Dataverse
cdi00001290 MX-RDR Macromolecular Xtallography No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Poland Dataverse
cdi00001291 RDS Social data repository No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Poland Dataverse
cdi00001292 RepOD Repository of open data No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Poland Dataverse
cdi00004565 Research Object Hub No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Poland Custom software
cdi00004818 Wrocław Spatial Information System No 0 Geoportal Local government Poland Custom software
cdi00004819 Otwartne Dane Wroclaw Yes 67 Open data portal Local government Poland CKAN
cdi00002094 Katalog metadanych UM Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego Yes 350 Geoportal Local government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00002101 Spatial Information System Portal of the city of Poznań Yes 114 Geoportal Local government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00004820 Otwartne Dane Lodz No 0 Datasets list Local government Poland Custom software
cdi00004821 Portal Otwarte Dane w Krakowie No 0 Open data portal Local government Poland Custom software
cdi00004822 Mazowieckie Otwartne Dane No 0 Open data portal Regional government Poland DKAN
cdi00004823 Otwary Gdansk Yes 71 Open data portal Business Poland CKAN
cdi00004824 Otwarte Dane Gdynia Yes 262 Open data portal Local government Poland CKAN
cdi00002099 Polish polar database Yes 150 Geoportal Academy Poland Geonetwork
cdi00004166 Katalog metadanych - SIT Tychy No 0 Geoportal Local government Poland Geonetwork
cdi00004825 Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia open data portal Yes 502 Open data portal Local government Poland CKAN
cdi00005155 CMWU s ArcGIS Server No 0 Geoportal Local government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00005156 Ministry of Public Works and Housing Mapping Portal No 0 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00005157 Palestine Environment Quality Authority ArcGIS No 0 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00005158 Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority - Mapping Portal No 0 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00005159 Palestinian National Security Forces ArcGIS Server Yes 105 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00005160 Palestine Monetary Authority - Mapping Portal Yes 74 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00005161 Palestine Customs Police - Maps No 0 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Server
cdi00003871 PCBS-CoronaVirus-Response No 0 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Hub
cdi00003964 SDG Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (Arabic) Yes 56 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Hub
cdi00003973 SDG Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics No 0 Geoportal Central government Palestine ArcGIS Hub
cdi00001293 Palestinian Microdata catalog No 0 Microdata catalog Central government Palestine NADA
cdi00005162 Palestine Datasets No 0 Open data portal Civil society Palestine Custom software
cdi00004270 Open Data in Palestine Yes 40 Open data portal Central government Palestine CKAN
cdi00001295 travelBI Open Data Yes 36 Geoportal Central government Portugal ArcGIS Hub
cdi00001296 Geology and Geophysics Laboratory (SEISLAB) geodata portal Yes 794 Geoportal Academy Portugal GeoNode
cdi00004281 pygeoapi eMOTIONAL Cities instance No 0 Geoportal Business Portugal Pygeoapi
cdi00001298 CCDRC-IDECENTRO Yes 3,314 Geoportal Central government Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001300 Catalogo Metadados CIM-TTM - Comunidade Intermunicipal das Terras de Trás-os-Montes No 0 Geoportal Academy Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001301 LSA SAF 2 Catalogue Yes 142 Geoportal Central government Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001302 LSA SAF 1 Catalogue Yes 138 Geoportal Central government Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001303 Instituto Geografico metadata catalog Yes 214 Geoportal Central government Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00005065 OPENCoastS ncWMS Server Yes 1,848 Geoportal Academy Portugal ncWMS
cdi00001306 Radar on Raia Yes 1,422 Geoportal Academy Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001310 ArcGIS server of the Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos Yes 1,934 Geoportal Central government Portugal ArcGIS Server
cdi00004436 BPStat No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Portugal Custom software
cdi00001312 SIMOcean Catalogue Yes 110,706 Open data portal Academy Portugal CKAN
cdi00001314 MELOA (Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatus) Yes 271 Open data portal Academy Portugal CKAN
cdi00001316 Open Data Portal of the National Desertification Observatory Yes 122 Open data portal Academy Portugal CKAN
cdi00001317 The central catalog of open data in Portugal Yes 2,000 Open data portal Central government Portugal uData
cdi00001318 Dados na Justiça Yes 61 Open data portal Central government Portugal CKAN
cdi00001322 INESC TEC research data repository Yes 148 Open data portal Academy Portugal CKAN
cdi00001323 Rural Data (Portugal) Yes 56 Open data portal Academy Portugal CKAN
cdi00002257 Universidade Católica Portuguesa Research No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal Elsevier Pure
cdi00001325 DADOS IPB No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal Dataverse
cdi00001326 Repositório de Dados Científicos No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal DSpace
cdi00001327 DataRepositoriUM No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal Dataverse
cdi00001328 No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal Dataverse
cdi00001329 DUnAs Yes 21 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal Dataverse
cdi00001330 Repositório Polen Yes 6 Scientific data repository Academy Portugal Dataverse
cdi00002805 Campolide 2021 Challenge Yes 191 Geoportal Unknown Mozambique ArcGIS Hub
cdi00004167 Yes 10,940 Geoportal Unknown Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00002806 SensingCampolide Yes 95 Geoportal Unknown Mozambique ArcGIS Hub
cdi00001299 CMA Geonetwork No 0 Geoportal Local government Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001308 Metadados de Vale de Cambra - Câmara Municipal de Vale de Cambra Yes 56 Geoportal Local government Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001313 Águeda Open Data Platform Yes 165 Open data portal Local government Portugal CKAN
cdi00001311 Universidade de Coimbra geonetwork Yes 56 Geoportal Academy Portugal Geonetwork
cdi00001319 Observatório Municipal de Ambiente e Território de Loulé Yes 546 Open data portal Local government Portugal DKAN

Data catalogs and portals registry by Dateno. The source code is licensed under the MIT License, and the website content is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.