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Browse data catalogs registry
ID | Name | Is indexed | # datasets | Catalog type | Owner type | Owner country | Software |
cdi00001297 |
O Geodados é a plataforma da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa | Yes | 271 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | ArcGIS Hub |
cdi00001304 |
Catalogo Metadados Oeiras30Mais | No | 0 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001315 |
Cascais open data portal | Yes | 190 | Open data portal | Local government | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001305 |
Vila Nova de Gaia City Council geonetwork | Yes | 19 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001307 |
Observatório do Alto Tâmega e Barroso | Yes | 534 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | GeoNode |
cdi00001309 |
Catálogo do GeoSantaMaria | Yes | 839 | Geoportal | Local government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001321 |
The Open Data Portal of the city of Porto | Yes | 100 | Open data portal | Local government | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001324 |
Portal de Dados Abertos Viseu Dão Lafões | Yes | 90 | Open data portal | Regional government | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001320 |
Dados Abertos - Governo dos Açores | Yes | 2 | Open data portal | Regional government | Portugal | CKAN |
cdi00001294 |
Catálogo iRIG-Madeira | Yes | 364 | Geoportal | Regional government | Portugal | Geonetwork |
cdi00001256 |
Palau Environment Data Portal | Yes | 475 | Open data portal | Central government | Palau | DKAN |
cdi00001331 |
The Geographic Information platform Itaipu | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Paraguay | GeoNode |
cdi00001332 |
The Mapping of the Solar and Wind Energy Potential of Paraguay (PESE_PY) geo data | Yes | 20 | Geoportal | Business | Paraguay | GeoNode |
cdi00004438 |
Systema Informatico de Variables Economicas y Financieras | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Paraguay | Custom software |
cdi00001333 |
Catálogo de Metadatos y Microdatos del Paraguay | No | 0 | Microdata catalog | Central government | Paraguay | NADA |
cdi00004215 | | Yes | 670 | Open data portal | Central government | Paraguay | DKAN |
cdi00004439 |
Portal Datos Abiertos - Ministerio de Hacienda | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Paraguay | Custom software |
cdi00004470 |
The Public Works Authority 'Ashghal' geoserver | Yes | 1,218 | Geoportal | Central government | Qatar | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004471 |
MANATEQ Qatar geoserver | Yes | 328 | Geoportal | Central government | Qatar | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004472 |
The Planning and Statistics Authority of Qatar geoserver | Yes | 1,069 | Geoportal | Central government | Qatar | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004377 |
Ministry of Education and Higher Education geoportal | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Qatar | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005079 |
Ministry of Education and Higher Education geoportal | Yes | 302 | Geoportal | Central government | Qatar | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004378 |
Qatar statistics official website | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Qatar | Custom software |
cdi00001335 |
Qatar Open Data | Yes | 173 | Open data portal | Central government | Qatar | OpenDataSoft |
cdi00004473 |
Qatar University Digital Hub | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Qatar | DSpace |
cdi00001336 |
PEIGEO | Yes | 1,870 | Geoportal | Regional government | France | Geonetwork |
cdi00004810 |
Open Data du TCO | Yes | 77 | Open data portal | Local government | France | OpenDataSoft |
cdi00001337 |
Romanian space agency geocatalog | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Romania | Geonetwork |
cdi00001338 |
Geocatalog IGR | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Romania | Geonetwork |
cdi00001339 |
ANM INSPIRE Catalogue | Yes | 6 | Geoportal | Central government | Romania | Geonetwork |
cdi00001340 |
UVT STAC Catalog | No | 0 | Geoportal | Academy | Romania | Stac-server |
cdi00001341 | Romanian open data portal | Yes | 3,581 | Open data portal | Central government | Romania | CKAN |
cdi00004352 |
City of Timisoara open data portal | Yes | 31 | Open data portal | Local government | Romania | CKAN |
cdi00001342 |
EcoSense Data catalogue | Yes | 5,982 | Geoportal | Academy | Serbia | Geonetwork |
cdi00001343 |
OSGL Belgrade catalogue | Yes | 185 | Geoportal | Academy | Serbia | Geonetwork |
cdi00004637 |
Kosovo Agency of Statistics indicators | Yes | 1,607 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Serbia | PxWeb |
cdi00001344 |
Портал отворених података Републике Србије | Yes | 500 | Open data portal | Central government | Serbia | uData |
cdi00004566 |
Cherry Repository | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Serbia | DSpace |
cdi00001345 |
ArcGIS геосервер информационной системы АСУТК | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005010 |
Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute ArcGIS | No | 0 | Geoportal | Academy | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004768 |
Clear horison | No | 0 | Geoportal | Civil society | Russian Federation | NextGIS Web |
cdi00001346 |
ERS open data | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | Stac-server |
cdi00001347 |
Документы Федеральной государственной информационной системы территориального планирования | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001348 |
Информационно-аналитическая среда для поддержки научных исследований в геологии | Yes | 873 | Geoportal | Academy | Russian Federation | Geonetwork |
cdi00001349 |
ArcGIS геосервер Геофизического центра Российской кадемии наук | No | 0 | Geoportal | Academy | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005011 |
High School of Economy ArcGIS | Yes | 147 | Geoportal | Academy | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004324 |
Сервер геоданных портала Новые инвестиционные проекты Минэкономразвития России | Yes | 855 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | GeoServer |
cdi00004302 |
Дорнадзор ГИС | Yes | 5,932 | Geoportal | Business | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00001350 |
ArcGIS геосервер Государственного геологического музея им. Вернадского | No | 0 | Geoportal | Academy | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00005169 |
Investment Map of Russia Geoserver | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | GeoServer |
cdi00001351 |
World Wildlife Fund Russia maps server | No | 0 | Geoportal | Civil society | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00001352 |
Сервер геоданных портала Новые инвестиционные проекты Минэкономразвития России | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | GeoServer |
cdi00004325 |
Федеральный портал пространственных данных (NextGIS) | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | NextGIS Web |
cdi00004326 |
Портал пространственных данных «Национальная система пространственных данных» | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001353 |
Портал открытых данных ДЗЗ | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001354 |
ArcGIS геосервер Минтранса России | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00004459 |
FGIS LK geoserver | Yes | 79 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | GeoServer |
cdi00005108 |
Russia - WIS 2.0 in a box | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | Wis 2.0 Box |
cdi00004327 |
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS IPT Server | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Ipt |
cdi00001355 |
Геоинформационная система "Индустриальные парки, технопарки, кластеры" | No | 0 | Geoportal | Central government | Russian Federation | ORBISMap |
cdi00001356 |
BI портал Росстата | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Russian Federation | BI Contour |
cdi00004404 |
The Macro and Microeconomic Data Analysis platform (PMMA) | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Academy | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001357 |
Реестр открытых данных ЕМИСС | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00004405 |
SberIndex | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Business | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00005080 |
Витрина статистических данных Росстата | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00005291 |
Culture statistics portal | No | 0 | Indicators catalog | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00002369 |
Medical data hub ML data portal | No | 0 | Machine learning catalog | Civil society | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001358 |
Russia open data portal | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001359 |
Открытые данные полиции | No | 0 | Open data portal | Civil society | Russian Federation | CKAN |
cdi00001360 |
Портал открытых данных ГГМ РАН | Yes | 48 | Open data portal | Academy | Russian Federation | CKAN |
cdi00001361 |
Карта ДТП | No | 0 | Open data portal | Civil society | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001362 |
Единая система нормативной справочной информации | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00004605 |
Federal center of the navigational data | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001363 |
Хаб открытых данных | Yes | 8,215 | Open data portal | Civil society | Russian Federation | CKAN |
cdi00001364 |
Данные НКО | Yes | 153 | Open data portal | Civil society | Russian Federation | CKAN |
cdi00001365 |
Перечень НСИ ФФОМС России | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001366 |
Реестр справочников Минздрава России | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001367 |
Портал открытых данных Министерства культуры Российской Федерации | No | 0 | Open data portal | Central government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001368 |
Institute of Russian Literature Dataverse | Yes | 30 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Dataverse |
cdi00001369 |
Единая Государственная Система Информации об Обстановке в Мировом океане | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00002025 |
Russian Southern Federal University electronic resources repository | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00004328 |
Yugra University IPT Server | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Ipt |
cdi00004329 |
ZIN RAS & BIN RAS IPT | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Ipt |
cdi00001370 |
Портал данных о вечной мерзлоте и климате ( | Yes | 3 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | DKAN |
cdi00004330 |
NSU Research portal | No | 0 | General research repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Pure |
cdi00004331 |
The Saint Petersburg State University Researchers portal | No | 0 | General research repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Pure |
cdi00002284 |
Psychological Research Data & Tools Repository | No | 0 | Scientific data repository | Academy | Russian Federation | Figshare |
cdi00001371 |
Открытые данные Республики Адыгея | No | 0 | Datasets list | Regional government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001372 |
Открытые данные города Барнаула | No | 0 | Open data portal | Local government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001373 |
Открытые данные Амурской области | No | 0 | Open data portal | Regional government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00004769 |
ATLAS cartographic module geoserver | Yes | 78 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | GeoServer |
cdi00001374 |
Геопортал Архангельской области | Yes | 377 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00001375 |
Геопортал Архангельской области | No | 0 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | ORBISMap |
cdi00001376 |
Открытые данные Архангельской области | No | 0 | Open data portal | Regional government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001377 |
Buryatia republic geoportal | Yes | 21 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | ArcGIS Server |
cdi00001378 |
Портал открытых данных Республики Башкортостан | No | 0 | Open data portal | Regional government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001379 |
Портал открытых данных Правительства Белгородской области | No | 0 | Open data portal | Regional government | Russian Federation | Bitrix |
cdi00001380 |
Геопортал Челябинской области | No | 0 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001381 |
Портал открытых данных Челябинска | No | 0 | Open data portal | Local government | Russian Federation | Custom software |
cdi00001382 |
Региональный портал пространственных данных Чувашской Республики | No | 0 | Geoportal | Regional government | Russian Federation | Custom software |