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Browse data catalogs registry

ID Name Is indexed # datasets Catalog type Owner type Owner country Software
cdi00002628 ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data Yes 46 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002629 ArcGIS Urban Tutorial Yes 16 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002630 CoE - Remote Sensing and Environment Yes 164 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002631 Covid19 - Informationen Yes 15 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00004137 Yes 6,810 Geoportal Unknown Germany Geonetwork
cdi00002632 Digitaler Kartenschrank der Kreisverwaltung Steinfurt Yes 28 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002633 ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data Esri DECH Yes 49 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002634 INSPIRE Yes 32 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00004138 Yes 31,239 Geoportal Unknown Germany Geonetwork
cdi00002635 Esri Deutschland - Landwirtschaft Hub Yes 106 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002636 OpenDataPortal Yes 128 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002637 Radlstadt-Site Yes 21 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002638 Smart Public Safety Hub Yes 45 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002639 Esri Deutschland: Utilities No 0 Geoportal Unknown Germany ArcGIS Hub
cdi00004139 Yes 200 Geoportal Unknown Germany Geonetwork
cdi00000500 Copenhagen Data No 0 Open data portal Regional government Denmark CKAN
cdi00004569 GEUS ArcGIS Server Yes 1,191 Geoportal Academy Denmark ArcGIS Server
cdi00004570 EGDI No 0 Geoportal Academy Denmark Custom software
cdi00000497 ICES Geodata metadata catalogue No 0 Geoportal International Denmark Geonetwork
cdi00004929 SurveyBanken No 0 Indicators catalog Academy Denmark Nesstar
cdi00000499 StatBank Denmark No 0 Indicators catalog Central government Denmark PxWeb
cdi00000501 Geo Fyn No 0 Open data portal Local government Denmark CKAN
cdi00000502 Digitaliseringsstyrelsen No 0 Open data portal Central government Denmark CKAN
cdi00004262 Datavejviser Yes 3,293 Open data portal Central government Denmark CKAN
cdi00000503 Open Data DK Yes 711 Open data portal Civil society Denmark CKAN
cdi00000504 Yes 191 Open data portal Academy Denmark CKAN
cdi00000505 Technical University of Denmark Data No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Figshare
cdi00004263 GEUS dataverse No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Dataverse
cdi00002189 Research at Roskilde University No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Elsevier Pure
cdi00002272 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea research repository No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Figshare
cdi00004264 LOAR No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark DSpace
cdi00002190 DTU Research Database No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Elsevier Pure
cdi00004930 University of Southern Denmark Research Portal No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Elsevier Pure
cdi00004265 CLARIN-DK-UCPH Repository No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark DSpace
cdi00002191 Aalborg University's Research Portal No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Elsevier Pure
cdi00002192 University Colleges Knowledge database No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Denmark Elsevier Pure
cdi00002640 Åbne data Yes 38 Geoportal Unknown Denmark ArcGIS Hub
cdi00004849 DomiNode Yes 55 Geoportal Central government Dominica GeoNode
cdi00000506 Catalogo de API Republica Dominicana No 0 API Catalog Central government Republica Dominicana Custom software
cdi00000507 Al Geoportal de la Dirección General del Catastro Nacional No 0 Geoportal Central government Republica Dominicana GeoNode
cdi00002406 Geoportal Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de la República Dominicana (IDERD) Yes 32 Geoportal Central government Republica Dominicana GeoNode
cdi00000508 MOPC Geoserver Dominicana Yes 55 Geoportal Central government Republica Dominicana GeoServer
cdi00002407 Nodo Alimentador del Sistema Integrado Nacional de Información de MINERD. Minsterio de Educación No 0 Geoportal Central government Republica Dominicana GeoNode
cdi00004437 Archivo National de Datos No 0 Microdata catalog Central government Dominican Republic NADA
cdi00000509 Datos Abiertos Dominicana No 0 Open data portal Central government Republica Dominicana CKAN
cdi00005094 Algeria - WIS 2.0 in a box No 0 Geoportal Central government Algeria Wis 2.0 Box
cdi00000510 PAUWES Data Portal Yes 1,391 Geoportal Academy Algeria Geonetwork
cdi00002408 Geoweba Yes 60 Geoportal Business Algeria GeoNode
cdi00000514 Universidad del Azuay geonetwork Yes 92 Geoportal Academy Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00002125 Universidad de Cuenca geonetwork No 0 Geoportal Academy Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00000517 Universidad de Cuenca Geonetwork arkitectura No 0 Geoportal Academy Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00000524 Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo open data No 0 Open data portal Academy Ecuador CKAN
cdi00000512 ámbar Geoportal No 0 Geoportal Academy Ecuador GeoNode
cdi00000521 Ambar DataStore estadísticas Yes 591 Open data portal Academy Ecuador CKAN
cdi00000526 Sistema de Información Local Municipal de Loja No 0 Open data portal Local government Ecuador CKAN
cdi00000513 Geovisor Manabi No 0 Geoportal Regional government Ecuador GeoNode
cdi00000525 Sistema de Información Local Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Provincial de El Oro No 0 Open data portal Regional government Ecuador CKAN
cdi00004931 Quito ArcGIS server Yes 2,296 Geoportal Local government Ecuador ArcGIS Server
cdi00004295 GeoNode CIIFEN Yes 3,642 Geoportal Academy Ecuador GeoNode
cdi00000511 Ecuador statistics geonetwork No 0 Geoportal Central government Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00004746 Geoportal UNL No 0 Geoportal Academy Ecuador Terria
cdi00004729 UBICA Ecuador Map No 0 Geoportal Business Ecuador Terria
cdi00000515 CEDIA geodata Yes 19 Geoportal Academy Ecuador GeoNode
cdi00000516 METADATOS DEL MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE Y AGUA DEL ECUADOR No 0 Geoportal Central government Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00000518 Portal de Datos de SIGTIERRAS - MAG No 0 Geoportal Central government Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00000519 Catálogo de Datos Geográficos del IGM Ecuador Yes 8,060 Geoportal Central government Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00004730 Terria map del IGM Ecuador No 0 Geoportal Central government Ecuador Terria
cdi00000520 Archivo Nacional de Datos y Metadatos Estadísticos (ANDA) No 0 Microdata catalog Central government Ecuador NADA
cdi00000522 Datos Abiertos Ecuador No 0 Open data portal Central government Ecuador CKAN
cdi00000527 CEDIA Indata Yes 2 Scientific data repository Academy Ecuador Dataverse
cdi00004140 No 0 Geoportal Unknown Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00004141 Yes 132 Geoportal Unknown Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00004142 No 0 Geoportal Unknown Ecuador Geonetwork
cdi00002358 Saue valla Geoinfo värav Yes 1,052 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002359 Tallinn City Council geoportal No 0 Geoportal Regional government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002364 Rae valla geoportal No 0 Geoportal Regional government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00000531 TalTech Data Repository Yes 26 Scientific data repository Academy Estonia InvenioRDM
cdi00002361 Türi Municipal Government geoportal Yes 68 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002356 Haapsalu linna geoportaal Yes 972 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002357 Lääne-Harju valla geoportaal Yes 54 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002379 Saaremaa vald geoportal No 0 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002353 GeoHUB of the city of Tartu Yes 573 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002355 Elva municipality geoportal No 0 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002360 Tartu municipality geoportal Yes 534 Geoportal Local government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002371 DataDOI No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Estonia DSpace
cdi00002372 PlutoF DOI database No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Estonia Custom software
cdi00002373 EMU DSpace No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Estonia DSpace
cdi00002374 eMaapõu Geoscience data and eservices No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Estonia Custom software
cdi00002376 QSAR DataBank (QsarDB) No 0 Scientific data repository Academy Estonia DSpace
cdi00002368 Valga Vesi geoportal Yes 403 Geoportal Business Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002362 Viljandi valla geoportaal Yes 139 Geoportal Regional government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002351 Corona virus in Estonia and the world Yes 1 Geoportal Business Estonia ArcGIS Hub
cdi00002352 ESTHub satellite data portal No 0 Geoportal Central government Estonia Custom software
cdi00002354 Geoportal of the Estonian Geological Service Yes 265 Geoportal Central government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002363 The Transport Board's web application Nutimer Yes 249 Geoportal Central government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00002365 Hendrikson geoportaal Yes 2,591 Geoportal Business Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00000528 Estonian National Geoportal Yes 658 Geoportal Central government Estonia Geonetwork
cdi00002366 The traffic information application of Estonian Transport Administration Smart Road No 0 Geoportal Central government Estonia Custom software
cdi00002367 Republic of Estonia Land Board geoportal Yes 91 Geoportal Central government Estonia ArcGIS Server
cdi00000529 Statistics Estonia Database Yes 4,823 Indicators catalog Central government Estonia PxWeb

Data catalogs and portals registry by Dateno. The source code is licensed under the MIT License, and the website content is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.