Imagine Flint

IMAGINE FLINT MASTER PLAN Here's What's Possible. Imagine Flint creates a blueprint for our future andis a Master Plan that will guide the City for the next 20 years Learn More About the Master Plan Photo Credit: Evan Dougherty Master Plan Adopted! Master Plan Adopted! Welcome to Imagine Flint, a site dedicated to engaging, updating and informing you on the implementation of the Master Plan. Work continues on a variety of planning, policy and project implementation processes. The Flint Planning Commission approved a draft zoning code that aligns with the Imagine Flint's future land use plan and the ordinance now heads to Flint City Council for adoption. The Flint Planning Commission also recently adopted an updated 5-year Capital Improvements Plan and has work across multiple City departments to develop Rebuild Flint the Right Way, an infrastructure guide for responding to the Flint Water Crisis that integrates the policies of the Imagine Flint plan. Additionally, the City launched the Imagine Flint Neighborhood Planning Initiative in 2016 that works with neighborhood groups to develop actionable plans with specific projects, ultimately producing a direction for neighborhood enhancement. To learn more about the work occurring in the City's Planning & Zoning office, contact us via email at Go the Interactive Plan to view the plan's story map or go to the Resources page to download the Master Plan PDFs. Successful Engagement & Outreach The Michigan Municipal League's Civic Engagement Best Practices guidebook features the Imagine Flint planning process! Using the success of our project, the booklet advises readers to learn from Imagine Flint by "Build(ing) a diverse team of residents and community stakeholders to guide engagement". See the guidebook here. Outreach and community engagement served as the foundation for the Imagine Flint planning process. Over 5,000 Flint residents and roughly 6,000 community members attended one of over 300 master plan events. Some key highlights of Imagine Flint outreach are below: You can view a map that details the outreach meetings completed during the planning process in our Map Gallery. Implementing the Master Plan The City of Flint has made progress in implementing the Master Plan's vision and recommendations. Listen & Learn with Ruth Mott Foundation board at Eastside Franklin Park (June 2019) Imagine Flint Master Plan visioning session (June 2013) Secretary of HUD, Ben Carson presents $30 Million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant check to the City of Flint and Flint Housing Commission (July 2018) Recently Adopted Plans Responding to the Water Crisis Updated Zoning Regulation Other Adopted Plans & Resources In addition to the Master Plan, the City of Flint has adopted other plans that focus on different aspects of the community. These plans implement the Master Plan's vision and recommendations. Thank you to all who attended the Imagine Flint Land Use Workshops on June 22 and July 2! Also a special thanks to the Foss Avenue Baptist Church and the Flint Institute of Arts for hosting more than 400 participants! Elements that Shape Your Community Explore the various infrastructure elements that comprise Flint. Go to the Map Gallery page to see more. Flint_Government_Facilities Schools Public Schools Flint_Cultural_Facilities_Web_Layer Flint_Cultural_Facilities_Final_Join Cultural Facilities Flint_Park_Services_Web_Layer Parks Public Parks


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