Global Midwives' Hub

The Global Midwives' Hub A Resource to Improve Health Outcomesand Advocate for Midwifery Welcome to the Global Midwives' Hub The Global Midwives' Hub is a digital data resource where midwives and midwives’ associations can discover information about the state of their profession and the need for safe delivery services. This information will help them to advocate for a midwife-led continuity of care and to strengthen maternal and newborn health services within their countries and regions. Developed by the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) and Direct Relief, the Global Midwives' Hub is designed with input from midwives, and displays data generated by the midwifery profession as well as official global sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). ICM and Direct Relief share a mission to improve maternal and newborn health globally. These two organisations are working together to leverage data to empower midwives in their efforts to inform policy makers of their vital role in saving lives and strengthening communities. The State of the World's Midwifery (SoWMy) 2021 is here! The evidence is in: investing in midwives saves lives, improves maternal and newborn health and strengthens health systems. The SoWMy 2021 was launched on 5 May 2021 by The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM). A detailed analysis of data collected from WHO National Health Workforce Accounts (NHWA) and through the ICM Midwives' Association Survey provides evidence on the quality and coverage of midwifery services. On the Global Midwives' Hub, data can be displayed graphically, through country and regional maps and other visualisations. Combine the 2021 report findings with a map of your location, highlighting both the density of midwifery workforce, and the number of women of childbearing age to advocate for an increased health workforce. Explore the data for information you can use to improve the health of women and newborns. Focus your search thematically or by geographical location. Data provided in the SoWMy report can strengthen efforts for evidence-based policy making that supports global midwifery. Click here to access the full SoWMy Report Hub_Stats Sheet1 Global Shortage of Midwives Hub_Stats Sheet1 Potential Lives saved Per Year (Globally) ICM_SoWMY_Leadership_Regulation Leadership_Regulation Number of Registered Midwives Globally Global Midwives' Associations Map ICM is proud to support more than 140 midwives' associations globally. Learn more about these ICM member associations and the midwifery profession in their countries by using the interactive map below. To open the dashboard in full screen click here. Explore Data by Theme Data is easy to download and use in multiple formats. It is suitable for the production of maps, data visualisations, and other analyses. Visit the How To section to learn more. Demographics Health Coverage Morbidity and Mortality Midwifery Workforce National Health Policies Population Midwifery by Region Use data to advocate for improved maternal and newborn health outcomes for countries with an ICM supported midwives' associations. Explore ICM's Professional Framework ICM operates according to a Professional Framework that has 10 core elements: a philosophy, essential competencies for midwifery, education, regulation, association, research, a model of practice, leadership, and enabling environment and a commitment to gender equality and JEDI. The elements are deeply woven and entirely interdependent. The ICM SoWMy Survey collected data about 4 elements: association, education, leadership, and regulation. Select a theme to learn more. Learn New Skills Anyone can use open-source data, free of charge.  Learn how to use the Hub to visualise, download, create and share your own data visualisations. #MappingMidwives Midwives' associations globally are using data analysis to shape the issues and agendas in their countries and to advocate for an improved midwifery profession. Below are a few examples of midwives' associations who have collaborated and created data products from open data to advocate for improved safe delivery services. The team behind the Global Midwives' Hub we will be working with a limited number of additional Midwives' Associations to create and share midwife focused data products on the Global Midwives' Hub. Would you like to register your interest? Connect with the Team to feature your midwives' association as  #MappingMidwives! Connect with the Team to feature your midwives' association as  #MappingMidwives! Connect with Us Want to subscribe to the ICM newsletter, share items to be featured on the Global Midwives' Hub, or to connect with the team?  Please fill out the brief form below. We look forward to hearing from you! The Global Midwives' Hub provides data and data visualizations to raise geographic awareness and improve maternal and newborn health outcomes. About Contact Us The aim of the Global Midwives' Hub is to increase geographic understanding in the field of midwifery, in order to improve outcomes in Maternal and Newborn Health.  The Global Midwives' Hub is a collaboration between the International Confederation of Midwives and Direct Relief. International Confederation of Midwives Koninginnegracht 60, 2514 AE ZH The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0) 70 3060520 Email:


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name Direct Relief
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Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
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API Status active


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