William Land Park Improvement Initiative

People enjoying the park. We want your insight on how we can make William Land Park a cleaner, more beautiful space. Please take the survey below to add your insight to the map. Your responses will help us to identify what and where improvements can be made. Community Feedback for William Land Park Follow us! We'll reach out about once a month to share the following: Project UpdatesNew ways to get involvedUpcoming eventsMore feedback and opportunities Acknowledgements This is not an official website of Sacramento and is used for demo purposes only. Sacramento Parks data was provided by Sacramento County Open Data. Custom Initiative Template. All photos used on this site are from Unsplash, unDraw, and Pexels.


Property Value
Link https://william-land-park-improvement-initiative-government-admin.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name Esri State & Local Government Online - Admin
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
dcatap201 https://william-land-park-improvement-initiative-government-admin.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/dcat-ap/2.0.1.json
dcatus11 https://william-land-park-improvement-initiative-government-admin.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/dcat-us/1.1.json
rss https://william-land-park-improvement-initiative-government-admin.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/rss/2.0
ogcrecordsapi https://william-land-park-improvement-initiative-government-admin.hub.arcgis.com/api/search/v1




Do you see a error or any data catalog missing ? Please write as at dateno@dateno.io or write an issue on Github. We will resolve it ASAP.