v8 Wide Area Search Solution

This hub site can be used to deploy v8 of the SAR survey, QuickCapture project, web applications, and dashboards into your ArcGIS Online Organization. Step 1 Determine if you really want to deploy these tools for your team/organization. There are instances where a jurisdiction would want to set up and manage these tools for their team; however during large-scale disasters, having multiple instances of the tools can lead to silos and make coordination amongst multiple jurisdictions difficult. We encourage you to consider joining the National Search and Rescue Geospatial Coordination (NSARGC) Group where your team could be granted access to a single system being utilized by all 28 FEMA Teams as well as multiple states and local entities. This provides a true common operational platform for response. If you would like to learn more about the NSARGC Group and how you may be able to join, please contact Jared Doke (jdoke@publicsafetygis.org) and Paul Doherty (paul.doherty@fema.dhs.gov) Once the template and tools are deployed into your organization, you own them and any changes or updates will need to be configured by you. Please see step 3 for a list of initial configuration changes that will have to be made after deployment and step 4 for a running list of configuration changes that are implemented to the NSARGC instance of the tools based on feedback from exercises and real-world incidents. Step 2 Watch the video below and follow along with the instructions to deploy the solution in your organization using ArcGIS Hub. Using this site as a template does not require ArcGIS hub Premium. Step 3 Download the PowerPoint document below and work through it using the newly deployed items. This PowerPoint is intended to be used as a checklist to verify and configure items created during the deployment of the v8 Wide Area Search Solution for Urban Search and Rescue. On the first slide, you should replace ITEM ID for each item listed with the last 6 digits of the actual item ID created during the deployment of the solution. It is also recommended to hyperlink the last 6 digits you enter to the item detail page for that item. This will give you a quick reference guide for which layers and maps are used in each application. The remaining slides walk you through re-configuring the item details page and making minor tweaks for each item so that it will work properly in your organization. Step 4 We are continually making enhancements to the NSARGC instance of the wide area search tools. Since the solution was initially released to the public on September 17, 2021 the following changes have been made:


Property Value
Link https://v8-wide-area-search-solution-napsg.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name NAPSG Foundation
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
ogcrecordsapi https://v8-wide-area-search-solution-napsg.hub.arcgis.com/api/search/v1




Do you see a error or any data catalog missing ? Please write as at dateno@dateno.io or write an issue on Github. We will resolve it ASAP.