Bozeman Strategic Plan

Vision for the Future © Craig W. Hergert Bozeman remains a safe, inclusive community, fostering civic engagement and creativity, with a thriving diversified economy, a strong environmental ethic, and a high quality of life as our community grows and changes. The City of Bozeman works hard every day to provide critical services to the community including clean water, safe streets and thoughtful development. While long range planning efforts help guide change over time, the Strategic Plan is intended to focus on specific outcomes over the next 2-5 years. On April 16, 2018 the Bozeman City Commission formally adopted the Bozeman Strategic Plan via Resolution 4852. An Engaged Community We foster a culture of engagement and civic leadership based on innovation and best practices involving community members of all backgrounds and perspectives. An Innovative Economy We grow a diversified and innovative economy leveraging our natural amenities, skilled and creative people, and educational resources to generate economic opportunities. A Safe, Welcoming Community We embrace a safe, healthy, welcoming and inclusive community. A Well-Planned City We consistently improve our community’s quality of life as it grows and changes, honoring our sense of place and the ‘Bozeman feel’ as we plan for a livable, affordable, more connected city. A Creative, Learning Culture We expand learning, education, arts, expression and creativity for all ages. A Sustainable Environment We cultivate a strong environmental ethic, protecting our clean air, water, open spaces and climate, and promote environmentally sustainable businesses and lifestyles. A High Performance Organization We operate as an ethical, high performance organization anticipating future needs, utilizing best practices, and striving for continuous improvement. Copyright 2020. City of Bozeman About Contact Us


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name City of Bozeman, Montana
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


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US United States


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EN English

API Endpoints

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