SFO Geo Center

SFO Geo Center - Beta 1.0 Apps Maps Data Library Services Feedback Admin This is your single-stop platform for accessing data and making requests to the SFO GIS team. You will find our GIS applications, commonly requested maps in various sized PDF's, as well as data ready to be downloaded for use. In addition to being able to access these resources, you are able to make requests for other services/data and submit notice if you find any data needs updating. Contact Information guy.michael@flysfo.com About Contact Us


Property Value
Link https://sfo-gis-landing-page-beta-sfgov.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name City and County of San Francisco
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
dcatap201 https://sfo-gis-landing-page-beta-sfgov.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/dcat-ap/2.0.1.json
dcatus11 https://sfo-gis-landing-page-beta-sfgov.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/dcat-us/1.1.json
rss https://sfo-gis-landing-page-beta-sfgov.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/rss/2.0
ogcrecordsapi https://sfo-gis-landing-page-beta-sfgov.hub.arcgis.com/api/search/v1




Do you see a error or any data catalog missing ? Please write as at dateno@dateno.io or write an issue on Github. We will resolve it ASAP.