RIDOH Drug Overdose Surveillance Fatalities

ALERT: On July 26, 2023, RIDOH issued a public health advisory due to increased drug overdose activity in Woonsocket. Please share this alert with your networks. *Note: The graphics displayed on this webpage work best with Google Chrome and may not display properly in other web browsers. Overdose Fatalities RIDOH uses two sources of fatal overdose data for surveillance and analysis of drug overdose deaths in Rhode Island: OSME data track the occurrence of accidental drug overdose deaths for individuals who are pronounced dead in Rhode Island; these data are reported on a weekly basis. RIDOH reports on drug overdose deaths whereby the manner of death is “Accident” and does not include other manners such as suicides, homicides, or undetermined deaths. It can take up to 90 days for the OSME to confirm a decedent’s cause and manner of death. OSME Data: General Limitations Rhode Island residents who died of an accidental drug overdose outside of Rhode Island are not included SUDORS data capture detailed information about a person's fatal overdose including toxicology reports, death scene investigations, route of administration, circumstances, and other risk factors. SUDORS data are most helpful for understanding factors and circumstances contributing to a person's fatal overdose. RIDOH reports on drug overdose deaths whereby the manner of death is listed as “Accident” or “Undetermined.” SUDORS Data: General Limitations SUDORS data do not capture information on overdose fatalities noted as suicides or homicides on victims’ death certificate. This Data Hub adheres to RIDOH's Small Numbers Reporting Policy to ensure the confidentiality of individual identities.  Data are suppressed when counts are fewer than five. Any future use of counts to construct proportions, rates, and other statistics is subject to reliability and confidentiality verifications. Please do not attempt to ascertain small numbers not displayed. View OSME Data Visualizations View SUDORS Data Visualizations Accidental Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in Rhode Island by Month/Year Below is a table of monthly drug overdose deaths which include both opioid involved and non-opioid involved fatalities. To download this table, click here. More Resources Data for Download View and download data tables, and select the download format of your choice. View tutorial on how to navigate data for download. OFR Team Reports Find an archive of quarterly recommendations from Rhode Island’s Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Team. Publications Locate archived presentations, documents, and reports related to fatal overdoses. Statewide fatal overdose-related data visualizations and historic trends can be found on Rhode Island's overdose information dashboard, PreventOverdoseRI.org. Surveillance Systems Navigation Home Biosurveillance for Non-Fatal Overdose Overview Emergency Department (ED) Visits Overview ED Visits Data Visualizations Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Runs Overview EMS Runs Data Visualizations Integrated Surveillance System Overview Naloxone Distribution Data Overview Overdose Fatalities Overview OSME Data Visualizations SUDORS Data Visualizations Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Overview Data About Surveillance Systems Data for Download Request Data Publications Data Reports and Presentations Heat Maps Research Articles Municipal-Level Data Reports Other Resources Rhode Island Department of Health Prevent Overdose RI Contact Information Copyright 2022 Rhode Island Health Department of Health Map Portal


Property Value
Link https://ridoh-drug-overdose-surveillance-fatalities-rihealth.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
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Owner name RI Health Dept. Map Portal
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