Mapping the Northeast and Midwest Discover Maps and Data Fire Forest Health Forest Legacy and Community Forest Forest Stewardship Forest and Landscape Planning Watershed Forestry Wood Utilization Urban Forestry Meet the GIS Team Our Mission: The Eastern Region State and Private Forestry unit collaborates with states, other Federal agencies, tribes, landowners, and other partners to protect, conserve, and manage forests and community trees across the 20 Northeastern and Midwestern States and the District of Columbia. We provide leadership, technical support, sound science, and financial assistance to help ensure that our forests and trees continue to provide clean water, forest products, wildlife habitat, recreation, and other benefits for present and future generations.Our Vision: The Eastern Region State and Private Forestry unit is a conservation leader that supports forest sustainability providing the best for both people and the environment now and into the future. We are collaborative, focused, adaptive, and quick to identify and address emerging issues.Our Motto: We work with a diverse group of partners to protect, conserve, and manage forests, community trees, and related resources. Our Mission: The Eastern Region State and Private Forestry unit collaborates with states, other Federal agencies, tribes, landowners, and other partners to protect, conserve, and manage forests and community trees across the 20 Northeastern and Midwestern States and the District of Columbia. We provide leadership, technical support, sound science, and financial assistance to help ensure that our forests and trees continue to provide clean water, forest products, wildlife habitat, recreation, and other benefits for present and future generations. Our Vision: The Eastern Region State and Private Forestry unit is a conservation leader that supports forest sustainability providing the best for both people and the environment now and into the future. We are collaborative, focused, adaptive, and quick to identify and address emerging issues. Our Motto: We work with a diverse group of partners to protect, conserve, and manage forests, community trees, and related resources. Tom Luther, GIS Team Lead (Durham) Focus Areas: Forest Health for the Region, Forest Stewardship, SMART/ForMAP, State Forest Action Plans, and Liaison to NMSFA GIS Subcommittee of Forest Planners Resource Committee (FRPC) Email Quinn Chavez, GIS Specialist (St. Paul) Focus Areas: Forest Health in the Midwest, Fire, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services Email Rebecca Lilja, GIS Specialist (Durham) Focus Areas: Forest Health for New England and NY, Forest Legacy, Community Forest, Landscape Scale Restoration, and Conservation Education Email Ann Steketee, GIS Specialist (Morgantown) Focus Areas: Forest Health for the Mid-Atlantic, Urban Forestry, WERC/Wood Utilization, Legislative Affairs, Highlands, and SDE Manager. Email Request Assistance from the S&PF GIS Team GIS Support is available to Forest Service Units and State Agencies Request Assistance Discuss Project Goals Collaborate on the Project Deliver Final Product Request GIS assistancee-mailing a Team member. Meet with one or more GIS Team members to discuss the project goals. Work collaboratively with GIS Team to complete the project. At project completion, all maps and data will documented and will be transferred to the Unit.


Property Value
Link https://r9spf-usfs.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name U.S. Forest Service
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
ogcrecordsapi https://r9spf-usfs.hub.arcgis.com/api/search/v1




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