R8 Mitigation MT DR4655 Resource Center

FEMA  Mitigation - Montana  DR-4655  Resource  Center The FEMA Mitigation Montana DR-4655 Resource Center is an information platform that organizes programs, people, and tools to support communities through programmatic initiatives during disaster operations. Best Available Floodplain Mapping Information (BAI) All activity, including flood recovery projects, located in flood hazard areas requires local coordination and must meet all federal, state, and local regulations.  This may include but is not limited to a floodplain development permit, site drawings, plans, survey/elevation information and engineering analysis.  It is important to contact the local jurisdiction early during the project design phase to avoid unnecessary costs or delays.  When in doubt, contact the community here. Carbon County, Montana (Draft/Effective) Carbon County, Montana Park County, Montana (Effective) Park County, Montana Stillwater County, Montana (Effective) Stillwater County, Montana Yellowstone County, Montana (Effective) Yellowstone County, Montana (Effective) Sweetgrass County, Montana (Effective) Sweetgrass County, Montana (Effective) Treasure County, Montana (Digital) Treasure County, Montana (Digital) Flathead County, Montana (Effective) Flathead County, Montana (Effective) Hazard Mitigation Planning Data Hazard Mitigation Planning Status Maps Hazard Mitigation Planning Status Maps Hazard Mitigation Planning Expiration Maps Hazard Mitigation Planning Expiration Maps Floodplain Management & Insurance Data Floodplain Management & Insurance Data by / community Floodplain Management & Insurance Reported Impacted Hotspot Analyses This hotspot analysis takes into account the reported Individual Assistance (IA) inspections and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) claims combined.  Due to the delicate nature and protective restrictions of this information, it was aggregated using a kernal density process.  Using this method versus a grid methodology allows the data to determine the inherent pattern of damage, and not be confined to a set of finite parameters.This data is exaggerated to account for potential damages and impacts outside of the reported cases, and provides an area of interest to support other program areas or data collection efforts.  Data is as of July 29th, 2022. Hotspot Analysis can be accessed here and below:  https://fema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=869f2c7ceba94055889a18304d26d6ea High Water Mark (HWM) Acquisition High water mark data collection provides a unique opportunity to capture observed flood evidence that occurred during a specific flooding event in our history.  HWM's are a perishable dataset and only available immediately following a disaster and requires an urgent and accurate approach to achieve a high level of fidelity in the data. High water marks indicate the height or elevation of peak flooding illustrated by water lines left behind during a specific flooding event.  HWMs can be applied to wide variety of hydrology, land use, and emergency management applications across several local, state, and federal program areas. The US Geological Flood Event Viewer (FEV) is a platform for publishing HWMs and other flood event data.  When HWMs are published on the FEV, they are freely accessible to the public for use in analytics, documentation, and all the benefits noted above. United States Geological Society (USGS) Flood Event Viewer access here or below:  https://stn.wim.usgs.gov/FEV/#2022JuneMTFlood USGS - Flood Event Viewer Local Fire Department UAV Footage Local fire departments serving Fromberg and Red Lodge collected unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) video footage of the impacts during the DR-4655 event. Below is a web application built for the UAV video captured of the DR-4655 impacts.  The site can also be accessed here:  Montana Floods Video Viewer (arcgis.com) Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Civil Air Patrol is a congressionally chartered, federally supported non-profit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force. CAP is a volunteer organization with an aviation-minded membership that includes people from all backgrounds, lifestyles, and occupations.  When a disaster strikes, CAP is deployed to capture either orthorectifed imagery or more recently drone video footage of impacted areas. The CAP web mapping application can be access here and below https://fema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=df98bad528d447e7836e4a477451d25e.   The full-resolution imagery captured by CAP can be downloaded by selecting the More Info link in the selection pop-up window. Consequence / Impact Assessment Introduction The Built Environment High Water Marks Depth Damage Functions The Model City of Livingston, Montana Livingston Application City of Fromberg, Montana Fromberg Application City of Red Lodge, Montana Red Lodge Application


Property Value
Link https://r8-mitigation-mt-dr4655-resource-center-fema.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name FEMA
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
ogcrecordsapi https://r8-mitigation-mt-dr4655-resource-center-fema.hub.arcgis.com/api/search/v1




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