Tucson Police Data & Analysis

As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, the Tucson Police Department is empowering community members to explore and download policing data. Topics Modern policing is informed by data. Data provides information on what's working well, and what needs improvement.TPD is working to make more of its internal data available to the rest of the community, to inform discussions around law enforcement in Tucson. NOTE: The Tucson Police Department is currently changing its data display software. Until this transition is complete, police use of force data is not linked to this external website. That data link has been temporarily disabled. Use of Force Just one-tenth of one percent of all TPD officer-involved events use any physical force. Police Activity Responsive, proactive policing: 911 calls, investigations, traffic stops, and other police activity. Reported Crimes Reported criminal activity by category, location, date, and time. Arrests The Tucson Police Department solved 85% of homicides in 2019—well above the national average. Traffic Collisions Speed and intoxication are contributing factors in many Tucson traffic fatalities. Traffic Enforcement Education, enforcement, and engineering can reduce collisions—and fatalities. What's in this data? Data is drawn from preliminary reports, which may vary from official totals following investigations. Data is provided for information only and should not be relied upon for official purposes. To protect the privacy of victims, address locations have been rounded to the nearest hundred block. 1 Arrests Arrest data includes all arrests from 2018 to date made by the Tucson Police Department, all associated charges, and all available arrestee demographic information. 2 Events Event data includes 911 calls for service and officer-initiated events from 2018 to date that were responded to by the Tucson Police Department. 3 Reported Crimes Reported Crimes data includes incidents that were reported from 2018 to date to the Tucson Police Department for which a police report was generated.


Property Value
Link https://policeanalysis.tucsonaz.gov/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name City of Tucson
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
ogcrecordsapi https://policeanalysis.tucsonaz.gov/api/search/v1




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