Peru Mapathon 2021

Follow to get organized in a team, share content with other participants and to get additional updates about this event through ArcGIS. Peru Mapathon 2021 June 28 to July 2 Check the Mapathon Agenda for what's happening now Open Agenda Open Agenda "United in Earth observations for community-based disaster risk management" The Peru Mapathon is an event organized within the framework of the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru in collaboration between the Peruvian government, academia, and the regional Group of Earth Observations (AmeriGEO). The objective is focused on Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and seeks to generate a transdisciplinary, participatory, and collaborative experience that brings participants closer to the management and use of geospatial data, including PerúSAT-1, for decision-making. Watch the Opening Day Recorded Video: Day 1 Mapathon  Recorded Video #MapatónPeru2021 Community Mapping "United in Observations for Community Management of Disaster Risk" This initiative seeks to collectively map problems oriented to Disaster Risk Management (DRM) under different modalities, prioritizing inter-institutional collaboration of the local governments and universities at the national level, promoting research and development in the field of science and technology. Get Started Sign up to the different platforms below to get access to all the tools. Sign up in HOT Sign up in ArcGIS Talk to us on Slack Map buildings, roads, waterways, marketplaces, medical facilities and other points of interest in the Humanitarian OpenStreetmap (HOT) Project Create a HOT Account Click "Sign In" or the "Join" button at the top right of this webpage and click the link to "Create a Community Account" Create a ArcGIS Account Chat with other Mapathon participants Join our Slack . Your Individual Mapathon Milestones Together we can use open data and location mapping applications to prepare for disasters and improve situational awareness. Over the course of the week, try your hand at each of the following milestones. Create Open Data in OpenStreetMap Explore and Combine Data in ArcGIS Analyze and Plan Scenarios Participate in the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap project to add new buildings, streets and other points of interests to the common map. Visit the Risk Zone Mapping page. Open featured data below. Create and save a map. Explore and add data from the ArcGIS Living Atlas and other data providers. Create apps to gain insight on the risks or impacts of disasters on people, medical facilities, or households. Explore the Contributions to the Map This dashboard shows the progress we are making to improve our local map. This data will be helpful in assessing disaster risks and impacts. Open in full screen. Featured Data Discover curated data from OpenStreetMap, Peruvian agencies, and ArcGIS. Consider including photos of 3D models of the project, blueprints, sketches, or any other images that might aid in the overall understanding of the project. Search Curated and Community Data By following this initiative you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals. Stay Informed By following this initiative you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals. ContactAbout Us


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name AmeriGEOSS
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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