Performance Management

Gilbert, Arizona Performance Dashboard Real-time city data, at your fingertips. Highlight your city’s commitment to provide more visibility into city performance to promote an active, safe, and healthy environment. Enable the Community to Discover What Makes Your City Stand Out Use this section to explore the City’s six main initiatives and the KPIs measured. Tell Us How We’re Doing Your feedback is very important to us. If you have any questions or suggestions about our metrics, strategic goals, or anything else — please use our online survey below to provide a comment. We’re always interested in improving our services, and every comment submitted will be carefully read. Answer Frequently Asked Questions List some common questions regarding the Performance Dashboard. Consider providing an email here if citizens have further questions at What is the Performance Management Dashboard? The Performance Management Dashboard is an intuitive and interactive dashboard with one simple goal — to make city data accessible to the public. It features metrics related to culture, public safety, sustainability, transportation and mobility, economy, and government. Where does the data come from? Our data is collected from a variety of sources. Highlight the various means by which your city gathers data for the performance dashboard. How can I use this information? Track how your city is performing and better understand how the City is serving the public, identifying areas for improvement, and promoting decision-making based on data. Enter another potential question. Enter a few sentence response to the above question. Consider what questions citizens might have and how this answer can shape a response to guide them towards a better understanding of dashboard features. Enter another potential question. Enter a few sentence response to the above question. Consider what questions citizens might have and how this answer can shape a response to guide them towards a better understanding of dashboard features. Participating Agencies Utilize this section to highlight local partners. Key Resources Enter a few sentence summary of this local agency and how the public can utilize their resources. What would inspire individuals to join the cause? Enter Resource Link Enter Resource Link Key Resources Enter a few sentence summary of this local agency and how the public can utilize their resources. What would inspire individuals to join the cause? Enter Resource Link Enter Resource Link Key Resources Enter a few sentence summary of this local agency and how the public can utilize their resources. What would inspire individuals to join the cause? Enter Resource Link Enter Resource Link Get Involved Enter upcoming events so the community can get involved. List of Upcoming Events Stay Informed By following this initiative you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals. My City


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name Gilbert, Arizona
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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