Parks and Preservation Hub

Welcome to the Chester County Parks + Preservation GIS Hub site, a resource for finding recreational sites and activities throughout Chester County. Here you can get a more in-depth look at our parks, discover beautiful spots to check out, put together a trail plan, find a great fishing spot, and dig into our parks data. With over 4,000 acres of park land, and more than 25 miles of regional trail, there is plenty to explore and discover. This is a supplement to our Parks + Preservation website and is meant for us to share our maps and allow for more interaction with our parks data. EXPLORE OUR MAPS CHESTER COUNTY PARKS Check out the photo gallery to get a close look at many of the beautiful spots and hidden gems in our parks. Look for GPS coordinates that can help you find these spots on your next adventure. If one of these pictures is really inspiring you or bringing you peace, feel free to save it and make it your Zoom background or screensaver. Under the Bald Cypress, Springton Manor Farm (40.075167, -75.774651) Fall Campsite, Hibernia County Park (40.03077023007886, -75.84463474277594) Horseshoe Trail, Warwick County Park (40.17298577783016, -75.69626702849509) Wolf Hollow Drive with Snow, Wolf's Hollow County Park (39.914736, -75.986312) Shelmire Bridge, Struble Trail (40.039375, -75.707089) Frozen Reflections, Nottingham County Park (39.737537, -76.046767) Valley Creek, Chester Valley Trail (40.04862502548292, -75.55742841577332) Autumn Pond, Black Rock Sanctuary (40.149744, -75.506821) Register for Park Programs, Rent a Pavilion, or Reserve a Campsite: Register to host an event at a Park or Trail: Outdoor Reservations + Registrations The County does not offer any licenses, but you are required to meet all state requirements and laws for hunting, fishing, and boating (non-motorized or electric powered boating only is allowed at Chambers Lake). Hunting is by approval only, at this site Visit the PA Fish and Boat Commission to check requirements and get a license: Outdoor licenses How was your experience in the parks? We want to hear about it, whether you went camping, attended a program or went for a walk. Help us improve your Chester County Parks by providing feedback here! If you are looking to get in touch with us because you need a response, you can click on the button below to email us or call 610-344-5656 and someone will get back to you shortly. Provide feedback Contact Us Outdoor Recreation Data Check out the data available for download for your own projects! The entire dataset or a filtered dataset can be downloaded. Datasets can be filtered using the map or by an attribute: The map will update to reflect the filtered data. To begin the download click the Download Data button and select either Full Dataset or Filtered Dataset (if a filter is selected). To view the status of the download open the sidebar on the right side of the page. Join the outdoor community! Learn more about recreation opportunities, events, and community activities: Follow us on social media!


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name ChescoMaps - Chester County, PA
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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