Our goals are to maintain and update COVID-19 epidemiological data, to promote international coordination and awareness of the situation in the Americas Region, and to facilitate the most updated information available to countries, in order to reinforce national surveillance systems. Data is updated as countries enter national and sub-national data.COVID-19 cases and deaths will be published weekly Distribution by country: cumulative cases and incidence rate, cumulative deaths and fatality ratio Daily Reported COVID-19 Data If you have problems visualizing this PAHO COVID-19 Table of Cumulative Cases and Deaths, reported by countries and territories in the Americas please visit: Content displays better using Edge and Firefox browsers Note: The country/territory data published in this table is collected either automatically using web-scraping processes or manually when the extraction is not possible; therefore, it is subject to human error, as well as further change due to retrospective adjustment. COVID-19 Epidemiological Trends COVID-19 country indicators COVID-19 Case Fatality Ratio in % by Country (Crude) Epidemiological trends by population groups and countries Doubling time calculation of COVID-19 cases by country Effective reproductive number (Rt) analysis by country Biweekly change in COVID-19 cases and deaths, More COVID-19 information available in the Pan American Health Organization COVID-19 SitRep COVID-19 Situation Reports COVID-19 Genomic surveillance regional network COVID-19 Vaccines COVID-19 Vaccines Revolving Fund PAHO’s Revolving Fund for Access to Vaccines Data on vaccine administration Data on vaccine doses administered in the Americas COVAX arriving to El Salvador Data on COVID-19 vaccine arrivals in the Americas through COVAX mechanism Health in the Americas Regional Outlook Health Emergencies Department Health Emergencies Atlas and Maps Follow COVID-19 efforts at PAHO. About Us Our goals are to maintain and update COVID-19 epidemiological data to promote international coordination and awareness of the situation in our Region to facilitate real-time information to countries and to reinforce their surveillance systems.Nuestros objetivos son mantener y actualizar los datos epidemiológicos de COVID-19 para promover la coordinación internacional y el conocimiento de la situación en nuestra Región, facilitar la información en tiempo real a los países y reforzar sus sistemas de vigilancia.Nossos objetivos são manter e atualizar os dados epidemiológicos do COVID-19 para promover a coordenação internacional e a conscientização da situação em nossa Região, facilitar informações em tempo real às informações dos países e reforçar seus sistemas de vigilância.Nos objectifs sont de maintenir et de mettre à jour les données épidémiologiques COVID-19 afin de promouvoir la coordination internationale et la sensibilisation à la situation dans notre Région afin de faciliter l'information en temps réel aux pays et de renforcer leur système de surveillance Contact Us Contacte con Nosotros


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Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name World Health Organization
Owner type Unknown
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Owner location United States
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Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


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