The North End Redevelopment Plan

HOBOKEN NORTH END REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Home Engage Now Timeline Documents & Resources Contact March 3, 2021 UPDATE Download the Draft North End Redevelopment Plan, dated 2/17/21Download the North End Redevelopment Appendices Download a memo describing the changes to the Draft Plan between versions released 1/27/21 and 2/17/21 On March 3, 2021, the Hoboken City Council will vote on Second Reading to adopt the North End Redevelopment Plan! JULY 2020 UPDATE On April 1, 2020, the Hoboken City Council amended the City's contract with the WRT Consulting Team to perform additional special analysis requested by the City Council North End Subcommittee to prepare and refine development scenarios and to complete the North End Redevelopment Plan.  The WRT Team has since met (virtually) with the Subcommittee on several occasions and is now in the process of completing that analysis, and finalizing the Draft Redevelopment Plan, which they hope to being able to provide to the City for review and comment by August 1.  After the City's review of the Draft Plan, the WRT Team will need time to revise the Draft based on one or more rounds of City comments.  A Refined Draft will be made available to the public before it is presented to City Council for adoption, which is anticipated for September/October, unless the scale and breadth of comments requires a longer revision period. For more information about the public participation process, go to "Engage Now." To see the overall project schedule, go to "Timeline." THE NORTH END - A VISIONARY, RESILIENT MIXED-USE DISTRICT The North End Redevelopment Plan offers the City of Hoboken and its residents the opportunity to collectively re-imagine the future of the area for generations to come. The Plan will provide a vision and a strategic approach for redevelopment that considers residents’ desire to live, work, and play in a city that is environmentally resilient, socially equitable, and uniquely Hoboken—a historic and unique city to be celebrated. THE NORTH END The North End Area is located in the northwestern corner of the City and consists of approximately 30 acres bounded by the 14th Street viaduct to the south, Park Avenue to the East, 17th Street to the north and the Palisades Cliffs to the west; the Hudson Bergen Light Rail line runs along the western and northern boundaries. OPPORTUNITY FOR A MIXED-USE DISTRICT In December 2013 the City Council declared the 30.17 acres that encompasses the North End Area as an Area in Need of Rehabilitation pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law of the State of New Jersey (LRHL). That designation presents an opportunity to develop a Redevelopment Plan that will allow Hoboken to: • Maintain and grow a diversified tax base • Significantly upgrade its aging municipal and educational structures • Create and support a vibrant local economy, including adding innovation uses to Hoboken • Identify and reserve locations for future public transportation expansion • Optimize peak period traffic and flow • Incorporate resiliency infrastructure to protect the City from the devastation of flooding • Ensure sufficient open space and recreation and • Encourage more affordable housing QUICK FACTS APPROACH The North End Redevelopment Plan will be created through a transparent planning process that engages property owners, area stakeholders, residents and city agencies in building consensus towards an implementable vision. The planning process will approach the redevelopment for the North End through the following lenses in order to create - A VISIONARY, RESILIENT MIXED-USE DISTRICT. COMMUNITY • Creates an urban design framework and design guidelines that ensures that new development is in keeping with the vision and character established by the plan • Re-imagines the North End of Hoboken for its next generation of citizens • Utilizes creative placemaking and branding strategies that create a sense of place and engages users ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Supports the City’s efforts to grow and maintain a diversified tax base • Provides tools to evaluate development opportunities and their economic feasibility • Attracts new uses that are currently missing in Hoboken, including innovation economy uses • Creates a flexible framework that is buildable and implementable RESILIENCY • Integrates and leverages previous and ongoing planning efforts and investments • Assesses district-wide strategies for water, energy and resilient infrastructure MOBILITY • Leverages a potential new light rail station for a walkable, bikeable, vibrant district • Resolves traffic and parking issues to develop a multimodal network that leverages new transportation investments Home Engage Now Timeline Documents & Resources Contact © Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved.


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