NGDA Real Property Theme

Real Property Theme Theme Lead Agency: General Services Administration (GSA)Theme Leads: Valerie R. Butler (GSA) Email: Definition Real Property Websites The spatial representation (location) of real property entities, typically consisting of one or more of the following: unimproved land, a building, a structure, site improvements and the underlying land. Complex real property entities (that is "facilities") are used for a broad spectrum of functions or missions. This theme focuses on spatial representation of real property assets only and does not seek to describe special purpose functions of real property such as those found in the Cultural Resources, Transportation, or Utilities themes. Real Property Theme National Geospatial Data Assets (NGDA) An NGDA is defined as a geospatial dataset that has been designated by the FGDC Steering Committee and meets at least one of the following criteria: Real Property NGDA List Official_NGDA_List_Endorsed_by_FGDC Real Property NGDA Featured NGDA and NGDA Applications Click on a card to explore featured NGDA content. Browse Data & Documentation Click on the icons to explore NGDA Soils Theme content. Datasets Documents Maps & Apps Contributor Data & Applications Visit the Contributors page to browse authoritative content provided by our partners.


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name GeoPlatform ArcGIS Online
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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