New York OPD Geographic Information Gateway

New York Department of State Geographic Information Gateway Find what you are looking for... Welcome to the Gateway The Geographic Information Gateway provides public access to data, real-time information, interactive tools and expert knowledge relevant to the Office of Planning, Development & Community Infrastructure (OPDCI) activities throughout New York State. New to the Gateway? Visit the About page to learn more about the Gateway and OPDCI programs. Find helpful information and guides on all our maps, apps, tools. If you have a question or comment, let us know and leave your feedback! Explore Learn Engage Plan Easily visualize and explore our collection of geographic data. Visit the content library to search for, use and download data in a variety of formats. Discover case studies, community success stories, and learn how OPDCI uses geographic information to improve planning and decision-making. Access real-time information across the State, such as water quality, tide levels, and beach conditions. View Gateway user stories and share your outdoor adventures. Use the NY Coastal Atlas for planning activities like applying for permits, project Consistency Certification, or learning about your community. View Data on the Gateway Interact with our map viewer to easily visualize geographic data. Data is available on a variety of topics and is sourced from Statewide and national organizations and programs. Interact with layers, add data, and share maps all in one place. Featured Stories Explore data, maps, and learn about case studies relevant to OPDCI programs through our interactive StoryMaps. Dive in to a variety of topics and planning efforts around the region. ESRI Special Achievement in GIS 2016 Award Winner Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Exemplary Systems in Government Awards Distinguished Systems 2017 Award Winner


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name New York State Department of State
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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