Montana State Library 2022 Floods GIS Data Hub

Providing Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure and other GIS data for the 2022 Flood Disaster Declaration Counties Browse and download data: Explore and contribute to the 2022 Floods GIS Data Hub Find Flood GIS Data Explore Maps Contribute Explore the Hub to find statewide datasets and snapshot datasets that were generated specifically for counties and areas impacted by flooding. Explore the Flood Hub Map Viewer, various flooding imagery products, USGS Flood Event Viewer and the Montana Lidar Data Viewer. Organizations can participate by sharing GIS data and metadata that are relevant to the areas in Montana impacted by the flood events. Click here to contribute EagleView Oblique Imagery MDT Orthoimagery (prelim) by Request Oblique imagery of flood affected areas in south-central Montana.  Licensed for government use only. MDT Orthoimagery flown over flooding areas on 6/16/2022.  Imagery is preliminary and under review Flood Aerial Photo Viewer USGS Flood Event Viewer The Yellowstone River Post Flood Aerial Photo Viewer displays aerial photos along the Yellowstone River in Park County. During large, short-term events, the USGS collects data including high-water marks to aid in documenting flood events. GIS Resources for the Yellowstone Flood Disaster Area of Interest Subset MSDI data area includes portions of counties of main tributaries affected by flooding GIS Resources for the Flood Disaster Declaration Counties Cadastral and other county specific data Search for all statewide Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure Data List Events and Data Releases: New Application Added! Freshwater Partners Yellowstone River Post Flood Aerial Photo Viewer (Sept 2022, Gardiner to Livingston) This application displays aerial photos collected along the Yellowstone River from approximately Gardiner to Livingston.  The photos were collected for post-flood (spring 2022) recovery efforts.  The flight was completed during the last week of September 2022, after the water had dropped and the smoke had completely cleared.  Properties of flood affected landowners that expressed interest, as well as public infrastructure, were targeted. The aerial photos were collected by Chris Boyer (Kestrel Aerial Services, Inc.) for Montana Freshwater Partners, with funding from AMB West. Flood Hub Introduction and Webinar demo/training: Tuesday, August 23, 1:30 - 2:00pm Zoom Link to Register:


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name Montana Geographic Information
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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