San Bernardino County Food Sustainability

San Bernardino County Food Sustainability and Accessibility Department of Public Health Nutrition Program The Department of Public Health (DPH) is committed to improving the overall wellness and quality of life in San Bernardino County. The DPH Strategic Plan identifies opportunities for aligning the Department’s work with Communities Vital Signs to transform San Bernardino County into a healthier place to live, work, learn, play, and worship. Consequently, many of the goals and objectives within the plan are related to increasing access to healthy foods to address food insecurity and prevent obesity The Food Accessibility map serves as a tool to provide data and mapping resources for decision-making that can ultimately lead to improved food access. Food accessibility ensures that sources for healthy food are easy to get to at a manageable distance from home, school, or work, using affordable and convenient personal (which includes walking) or public transportation. Food Sustainability Web Map Community Events


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name County of San Bernardino
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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