City of Malaga

Malaga A Smart City Students from the West Chester University of Pennsylvania's Spring 2019 Planning and Design Studio worked with the city of Malaga, Spain to encourage community engagement and create sustainable and innovative developmental plans using cutting edge GIS technology.  The Planning and Design studio traveled abroad for two weeks working closely with city officials and others stakeholders (listed below). We have taken on a series of projects around the city, based off of Malaga's wants and needs including growing green and smart city philosophies. The main goals of the Studio projects were redevelopment, historic and environmental preservation, and community engagement. When scrolling below, notice the use of the University's 3D models to make planning decisions easier and StoryMaps that make community engagement more accessible. WCU's Planning Studio Story Map Stakeholders Luis Medina-Montoya Hellgren Projects Special projects created through collaboration between the City of Malaga and students of West Chester University. El Ejido Historically the site of a common meadow for the city's cattle to graze, and more recently, the former home of the University of Malaga, this neighborhood is now slated for redevelopment. These historic blocks are now planned to be an area for municipal and community work. The first step in redevelopment is defining the study area which has been done in two ways. First, by mapping El Ejido in CityEngine, we can show the height and character of the varied building types. Adding the surrounding buildings and making the study area blue gives a good scope of the neighborhood from above. Secondly, El Ejido has again been modeled in ArcGIS Pro. This model has been textured with real life facades and roofs to better understand the types of buildings. Both are used to define and better understand the study area. Learn More 3D CityEngine Model of El Ejido Here El Ejido is shown as a 3D model using a scenario based modeling software, CityEngine. This model is clickable, movable, and completely interactive to any user. Check out the tutorial on how to navigate our CityEngine model below! 3D ArcGIS Pro Web Scene of El Ejido This web scene provides an interactive analysis of our study area. Sunlight analysis and distance measuring are two tools that can be used by planners to further their understanding of the space. Check out the tutorial on how to navigate our ArcGIS Pro web scene below! Aerial view of El Ejido El Ejido Re-Imagined A story map, El Ejido Re-Imagined, was created to analyze the relationship between the community and the study area. Currently natural and man made barriers create a disconnect, open and green spaces are deteriorating, and murals and public work spaces are absent. Our story map presents ideas and opportunities to revive El Ejido and connect it to the surrounding neighborhoods. Main Entrance to El Ejido Neighborhood Gibralfaro One of the oldest and most protected areas of the city, Castillo Gibralfaro, a Phoenician fortification dating back to 770 B.C, is a unique location to visit just steps outside the city center. With the ideas of historic and environmental preservation in mind, we have created two models. First, we have modeled the castle walls leaving out the buildings for emphasis on their architectural beauty. Elevation has been added to show just how important, yet difficult, it is to manage these ancient walls that sit on eroding steep slopes. It is also important to take into account the large volume of tourist traffic they receive everyday. 3D ArcGIS Pro Model of Gibralfaro This historic site is shown as a 3D model using a scenario based modeling software, ArcGIS Pro. This allows people to see the elevation of Gibralfaro and allows for proper preservation of the area. Open Data Maps Explore interactive maps full of city data provided by Polo Digital Content Malaga. The City of Malaga Integrates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals What is a smart city? A smart city is a designation given to a city that incorporates information and communication technologies to enhance the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation, and utilities in order to reduce resource consumption, wastage and costs. Malaga is a premier smart city that is recognized worldwide. Smart City Malaga Living Lab is the ecosystem of innovation that we have developed in Malaga. It represents a huge step forward in experimenting with and showing the solutions that will serve to build the cities of the future. The objective is to achieve the most complete analysis and feasible conclusions to face the challenges of the present and future in a model city with great possibilities. The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. In March, Malaga hosted Green Cities 2019, an international forum and meeting for municipalities, businesses, and professionals focused on sustainable smart cities. Malaga has demonstrated its green city commitment to ensure the quality of public transport and energy efficiency projects by adopting a new new strategic plan that includes 200 projects and a 155 million euro budget. Notable large scale projects include: 1.) zero energy balance , 2.) water management and smart waste management, 3.) sustainable transport, and 4.) artificial intelligence to reduce traffic congestion. The two videos below show Malaga's current and future sustainable goals. Below are two videos from the City of Malaga that do a wonderful job of visualizing their 2030 sustainable goals and projects. Find Data Transportation Community Recreation Education West Chester University Center for GIS and Spatial Analysis  Department of Geography and Planning Mission: to produce geographer and planners conceptually and technically skilled for spatial analysis and problem-solving. WCU Studio Students Work Session West Chester University Planning Studio students develop proficiency in GIS, site planning and urban design techniques. The goal of a studio course is to challenge students to integrate planning,  geography, prior academic work, and their real life experiences into one studio project. The studio requires understanding of urban and suburban life in response to a real-world project that spans detailed data collection, analysis, development and presentation of appropriate planning goals, recommendations, policies, concepts, plans and designs at either a regional, local, or site-specific scale. Examples: Follow the geography students of our planning studio class throughout their journey around Southern Spain. This story map follows our class from Madrid to Malaga to Granada and beyond. Re-live our travels, good eats, meetings and work along eith everything in between during our two weeks aboard! Be inspired by the beautiful sights and sounds and maybe even catch the travel bug? The geography and planning department embarks on unforgettable study abroad adventures every year, travel with us next time! Check out more information below! Contact Information Center for GIS and Spatial Analysis Copyright 2019. West Chester University GIS. About


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