Legacy Cities

Legacy Cities Geospatial Data Hub (draft) Legacy cities throughout the United States face many similar challenges as they adapt to twenty-first-century economic realities. Use this website to find, visualize, and access geospatial data and applications used in comparable cities to your own. Indicators The Legacy Cities Initiative is a national network of community and government leaders that creates shared prosperity and brings attention to the common needs and collective importance of older industrial centers in the United States. Learn more about these cities through comparative analysis and societal indicator data. USA Urban Areas USA Urban Areas (below 1:500k) Population in U.S. Cities fisc_full_dataset_geo fisc_full_dataset_geo Population in U.S. Cities on Welfare Legacy Cities Map_WFL1 City Size v. Has City Population Growth Rebounded? Total Jobs in U.S. Cities Available Resources The Legacy Cities Initiative supports the exploration and implementation of innovative land use strategies and policies. Learn more about the geospatial data and resources used to support and inform this initiative. Geospatial Data Analyze real-time data, big data, global and local data as well as vectors (points, lines, polygons) and rasters (including imagery). fisc_full_dataset_geo fisc_full_dataset_geo Total Debt Issued Legacy Cities Map_WFL1 City Size v. Has City Population Growth Rebounded? Average Per Capita Income Mapping Power your applications and decision-making with informative mapping tools. Applications Use or modify an existing dashboard, story map, mapping application, or index. Featured Projects The Legacy Cities Initiative promotes the sustainable and equitable revitalization of legacy cities by convening leaders, stakeholders, and scholars; facilitating the exchange of ideas and practices; and researching and advancing new policy approaches. Learn more about this work below. Get Involved We want to hear from you! By following this initiative, you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals. List of Upcoming Geospatial Events © 2021 Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Brattle St, Cambridge, MA 02138-3400, USA


Property Value
Link https://legacy-cities-lincolninstitute.hub.arcgis.com/
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
dcatap201 https://legacy-cities-lincolninstitute.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/dcat-ap/2.0.1.json
dcatus11 https://legacy-cities-lincolninstitute.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/dcat-us/1.1.json
rss https://legacy-cities-lincolninstitute.hub.arcgis.com/api/feed/rss/2.0
ogcrecordsapi https://legacy-cities-lincolninstitute.hub.arcgis.com/api/search/v1




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