City of X Hub Home

City X Hub Home Learn about our city's strategic initiatives and how you can be involved. Create an account with Facebook or Google and get started by following an initiative, registering for an event, or creating your own perspective. Open our Mobile App Our Initiatives Explore and Search for Information Apps for the community: better understand our city Explore our city through our stories, place and history. We want to hear from you City X is designed and built by our community. We would appreciate your feedback on what is good, and what could be improved, for our city. Your feedback will be part of our strategic planning. You can sign up for alerts of new events, new initiatives, and other opportunities to collaborate. Your Feedback matters Be Aware Report Data Become Involved Contribute I pledge to: Share this initiative website to loved ones or others in your community via social media. Tell people how to report information into your initiative. Suggest people do something in their communities. Urge people to Sign Up by using the Sign In button on this site. Use surveys to collect opinions about this initiative Use surveys to collect data for this initiative Use surveys to collect opinions and feedback and/or data for this initiative. Set up your survey and call attention to it here Report Data (link to survey) Link to upcoming events Use this space to highlight events you have set up with the events feature of the Hub Go to Calendar Related Data Community members can explore and download initiative-related data here. You can add or remove data category cards below to help people find relevant information. Collisions Injuries Traffic Sign Up and Follow this initiative Man wheeling his bike past city art Drive people to Sign Up for a community account and follow this initiative to receive updates from you. You can use the list to send email communication and invitations to host events. Contributing Partners Use this section to highlight those organizations helping with your initiatives. If you use images from the web that equireray attribution, put that here.


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name City of X
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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