GIS Nation

GIS for a Nation (Demo) This website provides an example of a National Geospatial Infrastructure platform. Government agencies can federate trusted, public geospatial data, services, and applications for the public and organize collaboration around targeted initiatives. This targeted site focuses on the portfolio of GIS data assets of national priority, also known as the National Geospatial Data Assets (NGDA), provided as actionable open data and services. NSDIs can quickly create a web of community-based, targeted sites that is easy to discover, while distributing ownership to different community teams. Featured National Geospatial Data Assets (NGDAs) Search all NGDAs Explore Esri-Managed NGDA Explore Priority Data ThemesMore → OMB Circular A16 Revised, Appendix E in 2010 defined the themes by which authoritative government data would be managed by the Federal Geospatial Data Committee. Federal Agency Geospatial ResourcesMore → Many federal agencies provide their own authoritative data resource sites to disseminate open and FAIR data services. Communities of InterestMore → Communities of interest form around specific priority initiatives and time-sensitive community events. Our goal is to provide a collaboration space around authoritative data and decision support tools for those focal points. Map Collections to Inform COVID Policy Response Public Policy map collections use national geospatial data assets use cartographic best practices to help decision makers understand data at the time of decision.  This example below of 11 key maps highlighting insights from datasets from the U.S. Census and Department of Labor was put together specifically to explore the impacts of COVID-19. Maps for Public Policy The National Addresses Initiative saves lives by helping emergency vehicles get to you more quickly through accurate addresses. Department of Transportation, Census Bureau U.S. National Addresses powered by The Aquatic Invasive Species Community is championing a "Don't Move a Mussel"Initiative to prevent the costly spread of Aquatic Invasive Species. Get your state involved! Join the regional effort to prevent moving mussels. If Mussels Invade the Western States Discover. Analyze. Create. Share. Who are you? GIS Nation gives you the tools co-create and collaborate with public and private data across the private, government, non-profit and education sectors. Analyst Publisher Program Manager Dig into the data. Join a community. Or create an interagency working group. Learn how to publish your data or provide it to a particular community of practice for optimal discovey. Working on an interagency or intergovernmental challenge and need a space for your team to collaborate?


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name SDI
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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