McGIS Logo McLean County GIS Consortium Explore our map applications, GIS data downloads, and more. Featured Applications Members' GIS Websites Open Data The McGIS Consortium strives to be as open as possible with its GIS data.  A goal of the Consortium is to consistently add new downloadable datasets.  If data is unavailable online that you would like to obtain, please submit a FOIA request. View and Download Open Data Click the magnifying glass for a list of all available data. Administrative Areas Land Records Natural Resources Community Safety Education Recreation Housing Transportation Printable Maps About Us Consortium mission statements specific to the public are to:Provide geospatial capabilities to the general public;Promote economic development within Bloomington, Normal, and McLean County by making available geographic information;Host data and provide access on a server accessible to all Members and provide appropriate data elements to the public at large;Promote countywide use of the GIS by entities both public and private, and in partnership with one another. The Consortium's members: The Consortium also supports our partners: Surrounding Counties' GIS Applications Click on a county to link to its freely available GIS application. Helpful Links We can create custom maps, print maps in-house, and work on other GIS-based projects. Contact us to discuss your needs. View our GIS/map production fees. Do you need a custom map or print? Contact Information 309-888-5100 DISCLAIMER McGIS and its member agencies cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of the information supplied, downloaded, or displayed. Only on-site verification, field surveys by a licensed professional land surveyor, or contacting the specific entity directly can provide such accuracy. Use for display and reference purposes only. Copyright 2023. McLean County GIS Consortium


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name McGIS - McLean County GIS Consortium
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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