Cincinnati Street Trees Home Page

Building a healthy urban community forest that benefits us all through education and service.Explore the website to learn more about opportunities to become better informed and publicly engaged. Cincinnati Street Tree Map Inventory Map Inventory Adopt-A-Street Tree in Cincinnati Calhoun St. WHAT IS A STREET TREE? WHAT does it mean to adopt a street tree? A “street tree” is any tree planted by or on behalf of the City in the street Right-Of-Way. Typically trees are planted in the “park strip” which is the area between the sidewalk and the street. Sometimes, when the sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, (known as a “monolithic sidewalk”) the tree is planted next to the sidewalk. If a tree is not within the public right-of-way, it is NOT a street tree. This hub allows people interested in volunteering to care for Cincinnati's urban tree street network by adopting one or multiple street trees. As an adopter you will periodically check on your street tree to monitor health, clean up trash in and around the tree well, water the street tree if necessary, and possibly participate in mulching and other beautification efforts. A network of volunteers will help the Cincinnati Parks Urban Forestry program with the monitoring and care of our street tree network. This website also allows and encourages you as a citizen to be more active in walking and and engaging with your community. Jane Jacobs wrote about "eyes on the street" in her famous quote "there must be eyes upon the street, eyes belonging to those we might call the natural proprietors of the street" and through this network of volunteers we will increase the number of "eyes on the street" trees. Features on this website enable you to coordinate with other volunteers, report hours volunteered, report issues, create events for community wide events, and read about other volunteers. Tree Inventory Benefits Tree_Inventory_3102021 Trees in Inventory streettreecincy_public streettreecincy Trees Adopted Tree Steward Volunteer Form_stakeholder survey Registered Volunteers Tree Care Activities_stakeholder Activities Total Volunteer Hours How it works Join Community 📧 Get Involved 🌳 Find Events 🙌 Share your story 📲 Create your identity by creating an ArcGIS account. Become a Tree Steward of your community or adopt a Street Tree in your neighborhood. See tree care activities that are happening in your neighborhood. Tell us the activities you and your community have done for your trees. Find Events Illustration of a two people planting a tree Volunteer Stories A female avatar icon. A short bio of who the volunteer is, why they volunteer, and what they've done. Join the Community Stay informed and learn how you can get involved in Cincinnati's urban forest community. Stay informed and learn how you can get involved in Cincinnati's urban forest community.


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name University of Cincinnati
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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