ARA Accomplishments

Clean Air and Climate Change in Maryland The Air and Radiation Administration (ARA) develops and implements programs for cleaner air. The Administration monitors levels of ambient air pollutants across Maryland and develops plans to achieve and maintain air quality standards. To control air emissions, ARA makes and enforces regulations and issues permits that set emission standards for construction or operation of equipment that emits to the atmosphere. ARA works through seven programs: Air Monitoring; Air Quality Compliance; Air Quality Permits; Air Quality Planning; Climate Change; Mobile Sources Control; and Radiological Health. Report an Air Quality Problem Please use the report form below to report ambient air quality problems. The Maryland Department of the Environment does not have the authority to investigate problems with indoor air like mold, odors, or cigarette smoke. Your local health department or code enforcement office would be a good place to start. The Department also does not have the authority to address emissions from airplanes or other sources that are regulated solely by the federal government. ARA Complaints by Type and Resolution -- Year to Date Air Complaints by Type and Resolution -- Year to Date Clean Air in Maryland: Our Progress So Far Pollutant Percent Reductions Upcoming hearings and public meetings Sign Up and Follow ARA's Work Sign up to get the latest. Contact We welcome your feedback and want to hear from you. Join ARA


Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name ArcGIS Online for Maryland
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location United States
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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