Adopt a Block

Adopt a Block Help keep your community clean #TrashFreeDC Is there an area in your neighborhood that you would like to help keep clean? Why not "Adopt-A-Block" that could use some tender loving care? Program Requirements |  Apply |  Report Your Data |  Tips for Cleanup Info |  More Info Clean, Safe, and Healthy DC Residents, businesses, and the government all play a role in keeping DC clean, safe, and healthy. Only by involving all residents and each community can we create a #TrashFreeDC. Success begins with one neighbor and one community deciding to make a difference. Anyone can participate in the Adopt a Block program - individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools and other groups and organizations. Adopting a block in the District of Columbia has many benefits: Note, preference is given to residents living in the area proposed for adoption. By following this initiative you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals. Adopt A Block groups agree to: How to Participate Follow these steps to apply to Adopt a Block! Identify Your Blocks Apply Online Organize a Cleanup Share Your Cleanup Check the map to see if your blocks are available. Fill out and submit the online application. Check out our tips by visiting our FAQ. Record how much trash your group collected and see results from other groups. Focused on Communities Everywhere The word is out! Residents, businesses and community organizations are adopting blocks in all eight wards. Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 1 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 2 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 3 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 4 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 5 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 6 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 7 Adopt a Block Adopt A Block Ward 8 Find your blocks that could use some TLC This map shows all the blocks that have been adopted throughout the District.  Click on the green lines to see the groups responsible for the block. Blocks without green lines are available to be adopted, with preference given to residents living in the area proposed for adoption. Report Your DataShare Your Cleanup Event Fill out this form to report how much trash you collected at your cleanup.  Once submitted, your results will be posted on the map below and you can see what other groups have picked up. How Adopt a Block makes a difference in the District Check out the results from our Adopt a Block cleanups. Adopt a Block Cleanup Events Cleanup Event Survey View Cleanup Events Adopt a Block Cleanup Events Cleanup Event Survey View Total Volunteers Adopt a Block Cleanup Events Cleanup Event Survey View Collected Trash Bags Adopt a Block Cleanup Events Cleanup Event Survey View Collected Recycling Bags Tips for NeighborhoodCleanups Unsure how to host a cleanup? Check out our tips to make your neighborhood cleanup productive and fun. Group Spotlights Learn more about the groups going above and beyond to keep their community clean. Learn what motivates National Black United Front to help clean their community Learn what motivates National Black United Front to help clean their community More Government Cleanup Services Learn how DC government can help you continue to cleanup your community by adopting a stream, park or reducing waste! Zero Waste DC Adopt Your District Helping Hand One-stop resource on reducing waste, knowing what to recycle, safe composting, and special waste handling of bulk or hazardous materials. By adopting blocks, parks, and streams in your community, you are supporting and protecting neighborhoods and the environment. DPW helps community groups that organize Saturday neighborhood cleanups by providing rakes, brooms and shovels for cleanups. Mayor's Community Affairs Events Calendar Visit the Mayor's Office of Community Affairs Events Calendar By following this initiative you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals.


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Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name City of Washington, DC
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