Address Opioid Addiction

Tackle the Opioid Epidemic Reducing prescription drug abuse in our community Opioids were once reserved for the most serious of medical conditions to help alleviate the pain. But in the last 15 years, the amount of prescription opioids sold in the U.S. has quadrupled, whilst no overall change in the amount of pain had been reported. Given that opioids are highly addictive, it is easy to develop dependance on them very quickly. On average, 91 Americans die everyday from opioid overdoses (CDC.) Pharmacies in the U.S. dispense enough painkillers to supply **every citizen with one pill, every four hours, around the clock for an entire month.** New Map Timeline Number of Opioid Deaths Number of Opioid Overdoses Number of Naloxone Deployments Drug Drop-off Centers Where is this happening? Community resources to help Communicating the severity of the opioid epidemic, promoting treatment alternatives, and encouraging safe disposal of prescription drugs. Disposal of unused prescription drugs. Find alternative treatments to pain management Locate drug treatment and mental health providers What Can We Do Right Now? There are few steps that everyone can take to help prevent prescription drugs from being misused and reduce the likelihood of an addiction. Safe Disposal Safe Use Prevention Treatment Improper storage and disposal can lead to misuse. Watch for signs of painkiller dependency Take steps to help prevent an overdose should it happen. If you fear someone is misusing, reach out for help. We Are Taking Action Keep apprized of our efforts and check out events occurring in your neighborhood for how you can participate. Go to Events Opioid Epidemic Data Authoritative data used to devise education, treatment, response, and prevention activities Treatment Response Prevention children holding onto parent's hand By following this initiative you will get updates about new events, surveys, and tools that you can use to help us achieve our goals.


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Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name City of X
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Owner location United States
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