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LVRT Conditions Reporter

Submit and track conditions on the LVRT in the Northeast Kingdom Using Regional Council input to track and address concerns along the 38 miles of trail passing through St. Johnsbury, Danville, Cabot, Walden, Stannard, Greensboro, and Hardwick. Requests_public Requests Open Requests Requests_public Requests Completed Requests SatisfactionSurveys_public Surveys Customer Service (out of 5) How it Works Report and track trail conditions, safety concerns, and maintenance issues to assist the NEK+ LVRT Regional Council in our work with Vermont AOT to create a safe and scenic experience for trail users. Create Account Submit Request Request Review Complete Work Create an account to submit and track the status of your requests. Submit requests to call out concerns on the Trail. Requests will automatically forward to AOT staff for review. Staff will complete work required to resolve the request. Submit A Conditions Report The process of reporting a conditions request on the LVRT has never been easier. Use the LVRT Conditions Reporter to view existing requests and submit new non-emergency requests for maintenance and other work along the Northeast Kingdom section of the  LVRT.  Emergency requests and illegal activities should always be directed to 911. Submit A Report Frequently Asked Questions Common questions you may be asking about the LVRT Conditions Reporter. Can I track the status of my service request? Do I have to create an account when I submit a service request? How do I provide feedback after the request has been completed? Does the LVRT Conditions Reporter handle emergency services? Yes, you can search for your request and check the status of your request at any time. If you create an account and login when you submit the request you can view 'My Submissions' in the LVRT Conditions Reporter app. No, you can remain anonymous when you submit a request. However, responsible agencies may want to follow up so providing contact information often ensures requests can be resolved more quickly. If you share your email address with us, we’ll send you a satisfaction survey after the work has been completed. No, the LVRT Conditions Reporter only handles non-emergency service requests.  Call 911 in the case of an emergency (burning house, accident, robbery, crime in progress, etc.) Service Request Data Authoritative data used to collect non-emergency service requests and track the status of each request. Maintenance Safety Hazards Other



Property Value
Status scheduled
Catalog type Geoportal
Owner name
Owner type Unknown
Owner link None
Owner location Unknown
Software arcgishub (ArcGIS Hub)
Access modes open
Content types dataset, map_layer
API Status active


code name
Unknown Unknown


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url




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