IFDC Dataverse

Over the years, IFDC has conducted numerous research and demonstration trials across its global programs and projects. Looking to avoid poor documentation, loss of data, and to boost the efficiency of data usage and decision-making abilities, IFDC has implemented a center-wide initiative to collect all research and development data in standard accessible formats, collate all data and analyses, and to make it available through IFDC solutions. The Dataverse came to corroborate with the IFDC idea to implement the FAIR principles and make the data easily findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.


Property Value
Link https://dataverse.ifdc.org
Status active
Catalog type Scientific data repository
Owner name
Owner type Academy
Owner link
Owner location United States
Software dataverse (Dataverse)
Tags scientific, has_api
Access modes open
Content types dataset
API Status active


code name
US United States


code name
EN English

API Endpoints

type url
dataverseapi https://dataverse.ifdc.org/api/search?q=*&type=dataset&sort=name&order=asc




Do you see a error or any data catalog missing ? Please write as at dateno@dateno.io or write an issue on Github. We will resolve it ASAP.